Orders from this Page Amounting to $10.00 Delivered in Maritime Province: _ 149 Everything for. the Fisherman “3"?” BOAT ACCESSORIES Boat 353-— Jlb Hanks. per dozen; 430 Letters Wood Block Tarred Cotton Lines Blocks. galvanized strap- Price per 50-fathom hank. -inch ....................... Pedkaa cunkpafem roller; 13—11:..‘itgc10-41-gbhifigg sélrn-NSisgg I-lnch.... .501: 1i~in....65c 1}-in....80c 1 O 312__Mt Hook. not hand- ma e wor easy; goo — .. . .. . l - . __ A led lully alvanized,’ nan-rusting, ,0, butchefing or boat 112:33...3:2.7;518.1b...sz.25 20.1b..sz.5o “1:2: ' 5'“ ' ITMII‘M- . .Pf-‘r. figs: C male hand e with strong socket. and “le- ' 1-inch .lOe ll-ln....50c n-in....€0c B99—Allllnlnum acre: ha‘s sharp pomt and spear _ X54— No. 15 '1th Books. tinned hoo . Every motor boat, should Inch Sing. Double um eyed. Per box of 144 B55— SIII Inn”. per dozen 60 Letters for name have one; .handy for comlng mtc 3; 81.80 ‘ 3.50 hooks ...................... 60¢ l-inch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. . . . plates; size of let- wlmrveu, plckmg upl mooring, etc. 4 1.90 3 80 W d h 'I' d j—lnch. . . .7c I-lnch. . .101: I-m.... . 11c ters 1} inch Blamiter 0! socket 60‘: 5 ' e 0 not any freig t on nine ' n35 ' ~ -inc ................... 6 :23 :13 Line-in any quagtily. witBIIZGu—t—Eeneth. Grommets, With or Each ....... 10c ll-inch ...................... 70¢ 'l 2.05 5.25 Per dozen; 25 8 4.00 1.35 PRICES SUB-EC" To CHANGE No.2 ......................... C L b Cl WITHOUT NOTICE. 1% :12: 13;: No. 3 ..... 28¢ No. 4 ............. 801: 0 Ster eavers W 358—018. for inaertinz grommets. b BGJ‘liphster Cleaves. new style, carry weight in G l . 3 P' ‘13:}??? ................. $2.25 a:::‘...: .‘3'.'.“.’.°.‘.°.*?.°f‘.'? .................. $1.25 a vamzed Blocks lece c mes... ”mm. but mug C P ' each ........................... c o . - _ . ' ' 0 er aln 3.12 Galvanized Blocks' SOlderlng 3272—— SIII Twine. beat Amerlcan Englne Palnt pp “1 5123 Single Double " cotton. 70 “M878— Copper Pain 1 -lnch 20c 25c Per -lb.ball .................. C M892——Gasollne Ermine red. per gnllon....... u. g e ‘ Paint made especially to Hall—gallon 82 no li-mch 25c {01: B79— 399. Wax, 1n mm” balls. stand 'the heat of gasoline Quarter-2311011.. .... 81.15 zinch 80c 45c M72_ So” I ' omit count. 0‘ Pnce ---------------------------- 5c engines. It will not blister. M’IG’I—Fopper Psallnsta _ Zl-nnch 50c 75c one iron, one ounce solder, box of B41—Hfll‘l Thimble. lhaped .3. :15“ firzfinpigd steel 60¢ $23123 g—galon ...... '2.” . ”Eli," aalamoniac, complete net 19‘: gaugeIt “19d ngzly for wue rope. P23: . .................. . in 0!. Price... .L ........... eac . ° “1" """"""""" Galvamzed Sheaves f—in.......10¢ i-in.....12c {-in.....15c D~Bl——tG|§vn:Il:led Sheaves. éor wood block. Pfi’fi'Z—M?Hn ed Whlltle name at m a e ommon P t nt ' ' menu nature el cia y 2 to; bétcksg. in St I: gi}. Galvanlzed Boat Nalls gor'mafinfimseéi-zlfllgfi' “Egg 3.: _ ................. e W_ - on.. -g on.. g} nix; at: g :3 ................. :82: 3501: ‘ B69— Galvanized Boat_NaIls.'_cle-n r1m66—Mm-lneu'llntm:0101' . . . .................. c green. 3; 311. 23’? In .................. 3:: ' '19:?) BIB—Oars, strong and reliable, per pair:— cut, per 1"" i—gafion... 2.80. . .1. . 'll . . ”a: ”n. I" --------------- - 8 ft., hardwood ..................................... u.“ 1-inch ........ 18c ll-inch ------ 1H0 “3“ °“--- - '33 on.. - {:3 2:23 :33; ; g;; :1; 3 3:13; 333: _ 9 m, u .................................... 32.95 “and n m. . .10.: 2 and 21m... .15c bggggflfffl'ffi'flfflgfig 6: in. fit: 10 in ................ 1.00 . 10 (1., “ .................................... 88. so 2; Ind 21 in... .141: Sinch and up..n¢ “-gauon,.;z_75 1-23110n..;5,zo SMELT WE S THAT WILL LAND THE FISH RELIANCE SMELT NETS ARE GUARANTEED TO BE TRUE TO ALL DIMENSIONS AND WELL MADE THROUGHOUT If" :‘V VV 0 \ O O "v - \ . 90 «NW . A \ ~,.2.0:0:0.0.9:¢.¢’9‘o’o’o’o’o‘o'o’o'o'o'o‘o’o’o‘ l xoouon’o’o'o‘o' 'o’o‘o’o’o’o’o‘5‘0’0' ‘ m...“ ‘ o ’o‘o’o’o’o’o'o'o’o‘c‘:%'o'o‘o‘o‘o’o‘ 90”” \ Go” I,““;”nonunion?” i mag-”gm. , 'o.' l 33°ngfni'igelectssfila’éndms e un arm 0 2‘, ”A. / .Q. 90000000600009.0000. . _-; ' \ flair:fig:'3a:i’z’;%§is§:£€:‘§§s£"££§mgs an " ‘ ' “6736' :0:¢::':‘:€€‘:'3‘W‘:':':‘:‘:’:‘:‘3“'39:?"v ' "" ' l @323gg32§3?:.?§‘::::y;§: aaafiulazreegtgefimzm the ‘ fixglgtgéééggélswwzéfiaxofi. ' .§ 363 caceuon emare. . 0"...‘. .0 0. . . w \ N681—1M-e)? at.” £333 sf .Ii's Nessa-45%;? 3:3 344%; 293:"..0‘0’....O.:.:°:.:.:":O:.:.%?..%.:‘:.:'Q I V' I Nssz—l -m... 3.35 4.00 4.45 . M...9.9900906’000’00’906006 \ . - "‘.$.0°efofo.o"fo‘ofo.o°o‘&. 9292929335’9 \ £27,," a r ' . c, r.nr¢y,{"l(lllllllfflI’llfllllllldlI/Illl'tf71"[I’ll/llll;l’1llr;r;lflkiklgfllfllIl;llfil/f (all 1%”; v) ‘ k. _ E D A R N E T 4' W - ”w Smm m ”M A R L 1 N E 3 COTTON Preserve? mg Nets c Hm _ “a: For Hanging Nets TWINE Corkwood HR695—Dr your 5??? £125: sign: 60 _ HR684—Ritht and left Mnrllne H3685 _ wm “Effigfiwedf’re- m. with a“... ‘ pound! to the m onepound hankl. One hank, Cotton Twine to: be ugeduas'ltlfe '6”: “led by ull fishermen. hundred. A_ 3 ft- ““3“?“ ”3"; ”d 1°", 11““ °‘ 40 hunting netl. med serve". am they p::°9c 5339151111?" 1&2“ :9: useledl.;5-| 1.1:.‘nfeté gzggleizne:o?:ndtflngfengt obggtonlzt c extenflvely bi fllhef- 1 6c already in an but 1,3353" dm,‘ mg 3;. Pa... W 100, Per pound hank: ............. $215033: ”1%: P" 3‘“ ggk‘mgx-tm 913?“! LB ................... wwundm... '