150 R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Fall and Winter‘Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22 SPECIAL. 35$ 45c No. 719—A big value in a Special Blend Conqueror ndia Tea. A popu- lar quality' and a big saving at our present price. Order promptly. 45C Per pound .................... BAKERfS Cocoa V I a“, _ 150 No. 92—— Baker’s Breakfast Cocoa, is nutritious and delicious; palata- ble drinks can he made either with ? fl milk or water. alumnaâ€, , l. fig.._}L___ ' i-lb. tin ..... 15c » t-lb. tin ..... 28c l-lb. tin ..... 55c I- GPW'“: ~71. . '- T787—— Sovereign Blend Tea a popular blend, per 'pound ........... 48c Sovereign Blend 48c UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE ,iv H01man’s _—_,_ _ ' Breakfast HERE S GIOZ—Baker's Dot Chocolate especially adapted for 25C ( . ' ' 3 T YOUR making candy and icing. g-lb ......................... .m. r, m. ea G 104—Baker’s Chocolate, unsweetened . . ENGLISH BREAKFAST m a: . Price Hb ..................... _ ................... ..- . . 25C TEA .Perlb" ............................ . ..... .....-....-....50c . . c ‘ G105—Baker's Chocolate, unsweetenedJ-lb. " Price. .13c ‘ “x“ ‘ _—___ G10ï¬â€”7Elite Chocolate, unsweetened } 1b. Price. ..... “12¢ T87—Holman‘s English Breakfast Tea, 3. choice , ‘ _ . blend of excellent flavor. in sealed lead-foil 55 55 . package, a pound .................... ‘ ...... C ' C - ' ' N‘o. Tar—H o l - I P OAlIi/“BIEQND CLOVER man's Reliance Blend nstant ostum BRAND ’I;eaI i3_selec& tzjuallity . . o n 13 an ey on . 25c MILK tea, expertly blend- Gl93—lnstant Poslum Cereal. 8 ed; a strong fragrant concentrated preparation requires no No. 910 ~—- 031: 23c aromati0_.‘ quality boiling or steeping; a level spoonful in a that is guaranteed to No 912— Clov- please our customers cup of boiling water is all that is required ‘ to prepare a delicious drink, containing Brand Condensed Milk, sweetened; ~ ich, ure er Brand Con— We _ articularly re- . . . healtlliy pmd‘iict; densed Milk, commpend ‘ this to . noae of the habit farming drugs; ready in Price per 25c sweetened. Pig: zanyt one wanting the , '. ~ -' ' '» aprgr;:t:nt. 28‘: can........ . percan.... as. ,r ............... . .......... _ Per dozen. .32-85 Per dozen $2.65 Per pound. . . . 550 Large size, per tin .................... 50c EVAPORATED 1 5‘: AM — - CRE Seal Brand No. 8927 St. Charles Evaporated Cream. Per tin. ............ 15C Per dozen tins ........ $1.80 . Coffee 65c N0. 90—— Chase & S a n b o‘rn ’ s “Seal Brand" «. ‘ tCoffee, vlsold in .7 - ms“ on y;it jg / No. Eli—C h a s 3 Camp COECC ‘ particularly flair- & Sanborn’s ‘ ory and fine; ab. Gill—Marvi-ns White Lily Brand Arrowrgot dBiscuits, a very popular ran a pound package. . I. . . .17C . C Rus HED - , 15°": (my IN snub?†- , Nauru-1m , , ’ l t . . . No. 85— o x o GS9—Red Rose Crushg Blend of, Mocha 3 5 C .. - $°eï¬lgiyï¬gÂ¥ï¬enssc , 0 go. .462——Tl;ei;rlrliokept lCables, i131 I?!“ or ed Coflee. newest process is: and Java in the -’ -' ‘ es: offal; ‘3‘de e pm" ott es. :1 es nu- re arin coï¬'ee not 81'0““ . ‘ ' . ' ’ tritiuus and delicious Burp crusghed, which action bean, It 1! very G100 ——— Camp Cofl'ee. made from the ï¬nest Made of the pure coï¬'ee Gllo— Marvin’s Afternoon ï¬nely flavored; oi coffee beans, blended with Bruges chicory and bean and put up in va-' pure cane sugar, one teaspoonful in a cup of boiling cuum sealed cans, so Tea Biscuits; “1110Ҡlor‘theu‘ beef drink. 4 cubes removes the skin and leaves 111:) :1:b:sox.10c 25C gségigï¬ï¬‚rl‘):t pure coffee in a nice dark color? water makes an eicellent beverage. 35 that all the flavor is Quality]; throughout “the 'Mari. or in bottlesmat 251:, Mb, ting†.' ......... 33c ground “93.!“ Mediurn size ................................ C retained. 62 p‘gï¬agerovmoeï¬. 8 - 17C 50c 75c. 1-1b. tins ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 65c Perlb ........ 55c Large size. . . . . . ............................ 85c Per 1|b.‘.tin.- """""""""""""" . . . . ‘ i " l ,. - . . . C M acaronl l Vermlcelli SODA‘ . -,~ . f U E . . N0. 962—†a c a- N0. 964—Verml- :5,L(<n1.vgaanucaruaxliuccunu(€(5 ran! in packages; cell] will make a i} W E Ver.y popular very delicious 18C _ _ Crackers hili’llluï¬eainSodasE garb soup and side dish. Price... .. ' . . v is es. - . .‘11!nut(uucrc(xn¢uum¢.t¢¢l> Price. r . .. 18° C , ,48C ' __.— ocoanut 716—Qulek'l‘aploca . ' .GHZ‘L— Marvin’s .C’éam SOdM‘ ' - - k . No.*315—-Mar- crisp, fresh and appetlzing a Spaghetti No._ 764—— Cocoa- g‘efgicï¬gie . . . 13C ven'q' Tin Sodas, pound air—tight package, . . . .zoc No. 9 (2778 p a g - nut "1 bulk; 200d 2 for ............ 25c mc'e and crisp, of good ingredients; hetll.makesdelicious quality. Price 10C 717—Peal'l Tall- are bak d ‘ust . e 1 dishes. Per i-pound Ioca in bulk. . Price per pkg. 18C i-lb. Package... . .151: P213: - - 'S'a'gol licn 2:33: 2 fl)? 4’80 bulk. ' _ ‘ Perlb ....... .. 12¢ , > ' Box of SOD Ax .BI§CUIT _ No,121—_Farn- MBEISCUIT' in .~ ' 3156 “p. . ibifperiif..?.iu ' No. 165—This No. 123 —Cabin, . FANCÂ¥ MIXED RICE 20 ,.BIS.CUITS. No. GTZ—A perfect ISCUI.TS, ? a .i s a, 1 food—mace light and No 976_ A No. 9932—A' special ‘b‘r‘a’nd of Fancy Fae 8110" by shredoing; 888- Mixed Biscuits that includes squ re is a big value-in Hard_ ' â€'- 50†z - '-'_ .in diseated. Large gfaï¬t‘; 3,11%: sï¬gars, square gingers, fruit biscuits, £0: good quaï¬ty,‘ Biscuits-5 156 l fé 2M7 Niarvisps ng “131‘; Size package for ...... lie on Rice . Used lasses snaps, currant biscuit and corrugated Choice Soda Bis- wrlb“ . .. - :Cllldi,‘ a "â€3 lODn â€ï¬‚ hing TWMOI """"""" 28c for table use and “3‘" “5‘13““ ’ leg“; in 15 £9 £0 ¢1§°' 124 '— gird :‘aQiiy agiggliite? s In r?" ‘ als lar ely used " . . ' "XE" ' ‘5 t 3 in 0" Hard V; ‘ ' if “n": ALIA!†..§iox‘ieed.4§c 133:,gh?f“.~’°lbs- - : zoq “Btkihe bzi‘m- gucgit.tbysgalrgen '32:???“ â€5’“; - . 10c ......................... , aou _ THE IHRIDI P°â€â€™Â°â€œâ€œd'“ 4 Persinglelb....... .................. 23c perib...~...515c Perlb ....... nine smmm' pe'l"-'"""""1M° . 4i.