The Superior Shortening -

41b 25c

No. 767— Crisco is the most improved preparation for frying, shortening or cake making, guaranteed purely vegetable; keeps sweet indefinitely, takes the place of butter or lard; is oconomicil andlséatisiactory Net weig t tin oz.

Price ............... 25C



" .coan.. srnncu

grade, regular Bach. . 2 to

Lemon Pie Filler

G87— Lemon Pie Filler, pUre, well prepared, makes Splendid filli_ng, a tin.. .151: 3 for. " .. .40c

Cake Filling

No. 961— Forest Cream , (Jake Fillin 14in; . . '10: .

No. 962— one-But Cake " filling; honey flavor; “be In. ....................

No. 968 —— Nat-04B

( aks Filling: coooangt

flavor; l‘db tin. "G . . . . No. 3964—

with chocolate; flavor;

1- lb tin .............


. Creami No 9623 ~— 13 liti’

Marshmallow cream for hosting or filling—a splen-

did qualitll- . 10° Sure-Whip 25c

No J7—Sure—Whip makes frdingrly cream vi'lhlip perfect- Y an eep muc ong- er. 1; as. bottle . . 25¢


. known quality; pm i up in neat, air t1ght



Good Results

No. 967—Egg-0 Baking Powder is a reliable, highly satisfactory

quality. Per 16- oz. tin .............. 35c

No 821—Magic Baking Powder, , makes the whitest and brightest biscuit, cake, etc.

Per 4- ounce tin ............... 15c Per 6 ounce tin ............... 25c Per 16 ounce tin .............. 40c

Mince Meat


G198 W e t h ey Mince Meat, in i-lb. packages, well known and highly recommended Per package ......... 20c Per dozen ........ S. 2 88

":n.‘ . Diou‘rofilqmr» W11

Royal Yeast Cakes


No. 972—R o’y a l Yeast Cakes, the best known. Per , 8C package ..... :1 . ,.

No. 916 Nutmegs. almost 100 to lb. 5‘:

per ounce .........

Cream of Tartar Perlb .............. 40c

G769—Crea m of

Tartar in 1-1b. lots,

each.,.'.....‘.;...13c SPICES 0133 ~ Cream of No. 412-— Ground

Tartar, pure best Mixed, i-lb pkg.

guality, in bulk 50c

G963—— Cream 01 Tartar Compound,

3 101' 22c

. No. 413— Ground Allspice, i-lb. pkg 7c 8for ............ 20 c {alb package, bulk perlb“ 20c 9c No. 414— Whole Allspice, in bulk 3C

No. 415— Pickling Spice, {'1 ........ 10c 8 for.. .25;c bulk perlb ............ 35c

No.d 416—Cloves, groun or Whole §’s ...... 25c Bulk per lb... . . . .85c No. 411—Cinnamon sticks in rolls ...... 5c

No. 417 —Cin- namon ground l'S 12c 3 for ............ 421:

No. 418— Ginger, ground in is... . .101- 3 for ............ 28c Bulk, per lb ...... 38c

No. 419 —Root Ginger, 1n bulk,

{’s ........... Per lb ............ 50

No. 421 —Pep- per white k’s ..... 15c Bulk, per 1b.. . . 58¢

No. 422—Pepper, black, Q's 12c Bulk perlb... . . ..

No. 424— enne Pepper, lounce..... .

1 2 for ............. 9c N0. 426— Whole

an eacelle'nt substi- tute,’

Baking Soda 6c

No. 770— Cow Brand Soda, well

packages. Each ..........


No. 426— Celery Seed, 1 ounce. 2for ............ No. 428—Cara— waylounce. . Zior ............. 5c

No. 428— Mace,

11d bulk, 1 53%“... 10¢

Extracts G48 —V a n l l l a

Egan-acts, 1- drug;

t e ......... .

3% n..-1,43 it. ounceb'

(19.. 30¢ No. 429— Mace, Dozen" .82 75 whole hulk, 8c Pure Gold Ialmond, Eunice . 15c Cherr , utmeg . ......... Clove? Orange, Pine: . No. 439—Mustard apple, Strawberry, 1 lb. t1n. . . .121: Rose or Winter- Bul ,perlb.. ...40c green IExtrlacts in ' mgogcériigfiwCole- 1- -ounce bott es,18c . der, bulk 1 oz 5c

ach ......... liar dos. bottles 31. 65

Free Delivery in Maritimef Provinces on an U005! rrom Faxes I l” 0‘!

Rola Egg Powder

No. 5—Rola Egg Powder for baking—one tin equal two dozen fresh eggs: Gov- ernment tests have deter- mined Rola Egg Powder to

contain evaporated eggs. Per tin ....... 23C

GSOO—Pure Potato Flour.

unexcelled for puddings,



cakes, soups, gravies, by leading cooks, one pound package ......


Honey 25c



No. T964 -— Selected

5.21:“ "‘ Em“ 15c E33127”. 25c 1lb.— ............ 30c Dozen ..... $2. 65



GIG—Tasmanian Jam, pure and delicious; peach, black current apricot and blackberry flavors 55 2 lb tin .................... c

9} -.IM_(_U_()-0.0.1¥


Butter Color 4 oz. Bottle

No. 801 H an se 11 Celebrated Butter Color, a vegetable color

that gives to the butter the beautiful natural June color

No. air—Khan’s Gelltlnfl. granu-

No. 61H 61 I! lated or acidulated; POWdél'Fg 'tflWy‘ ~will makeP two quarts berry. raspberry. ofjelly. Price‘ lemon, oran 6. Van- Perp 20¢ illa, cherry, c occlate. No. 97—Cox‘ s Gela- gigggackage 13¢ line will make 2 Twofor.......'..25c quarts jelly 15C

Per pkg .......


No. 823—Jell-o Jelly Powder makes delicious dessert, easily made, orange, strawberry, lem- on, raspberry and as- sorted flavors.

Orange . Marmalade est$l0|t)fi—d-'C),1'a.nge Marmalade, high- $151111; ............. i. . 85¢ ~poun t n ................ .

1 -pound glabs jar ............. $131k


No. 902—Curtis Supreme Quality Pimientos are fully vine ripened and are sweet and red. They are roasted and peeled by a special pro-

without streaks or cess ;and their delicatel spots. 4 oz. bottle... 25c piqua‘nt flavor adds thz finishing touch to sandwich- ARROWROOT es, salads. sauces, dressings FLOUR c and tcream gravies. Medium . 's1ze 1n , No. 892 M o r t o n ’s No. 9933—, This is a, ‘Price ...... t ........ 25C

Arrowroot Flour is


the prime favorite among

pastry cooks, put up in and England and made from the flavored finest grade St. Vincent 45C Perlb .......

Arrowroot, per tin.

Non-Alcoholic Flavoring, a tube3 5C

No.803—Vet er a n 's Creamy Flavors,non- alcogiollic, five $011.15 equals a w o eteaspoo u 01 ordinary flavors, a tube. 35C

GRAPE . BUTTER 1 5C No. 804— Lynn Valley

brand Grape Butter, 3 better spread for your bread, made from finest grapes, med-15c

garticularly good quality

Crown Muscatel Raisins, perfectly packed preserved,

seeded R‘A I S I N S



For Preserving Eggs -

No. 903 Water Glass for preserving eggs, will keep eggs for' an indefinite time, Kecqmrfiendlcdc bfil the leading

rlcu ura o e s,

g 89 20c

1 lb. 1.1!: ............. Imported

Popping Corn 1 5C


W 20c

Popping Corn, snowy white, shelled from selected ears of carefully

cleaned corn, all ready for the popper,llb. package. 1.5c


ium flat tin .......... 1 48 . . 32c MALTED' MILK c G44—Table layer ral- ' - . No. 905 F a m o u 5 sins. lb. pack- 10° Seglzld £3335“ Gags; H .0 r l i c k’s Ma 1 t e d age .............. quality- extra, choice; M1lk, tor 1nfants, invalids package“ 32c aged people and: travellers, No 2‘30; 'Grecian a preparation that is both Cleaned Currants in food and drink, prepared by

No. 901—Bulk dates, clean, good, fresh stock, per 1b.. 15c No. 47— Dromedary Dates cleanest and fli‘ESheSt grade

on- the mark t d

glacial? eh. . f ”13.0“: 24C 0 -- oyal xce sior

Dates, pound pkg. .lsc

No. 231— Santa Clara Primes small pits and fine-

ii’efi‘ii??‘?°}1. 12c to 20¢

depending on size.


_No. 637 Evaporated if Peaches, choice' selected


quality, carefully paper

graded, per lb". . . . .


1-lb. sealed packages.25c

Seedless' Raisins 33c

No. 225-— The finest guality of Seedless Rais- extra choice good size and color, carefully wrapped' in in sea ed pack— ages; per' 15 on. package. . . .

dissolving in water. 48C

No. 720— ml 11 )betteriéorn meal can

Quaker Corn-

it is the

be made than this; double

uchment best selected corn,

330 kg? dried.1t.‘has an envi- a ere u ation. """ Perpkgn 18c



9 Ideal

w 1-1 (D 93 7""

faSt Foods


9 i..-

Fifi—Grape Nuts ready for instant use; condensed food, most delicious, adapted for morning, noon and night; a list of ex- quisite recipes with each package... . .20c

F21—Corn Flasks. require no cooking; won its “favor through its flavor" The whole corn galked and toasted to a

e ICIOUS crisp. éaarge pkg... _13C for ..............

No 89 —— Q II a It e r Pufled Rice.' is another new breakfast food, prepared by 'a most im genious method. Quak- er Rice is an excellent subsititute l{for nuts in can res, ca es, etc. Package. .180

No. 90— Q 11 a k e r Pulled Wheat. 15 a package ....... C

FlG— Quaker Oats the best on .the market, made from the finest of

white oats, absolutely

free from hulls. 35c

Price, large pkg. .