152 i ISLAND I LOBSTERS FAMOUS D 4:390 PINK 22 “b T, In “mo" 6 SARDINES 0663——Pacific Chef Salmon is a good c unlity British olumbla pink ;glc- c mofilépe;6c6a_l:.fi {tr 3 ego-[gagi—gr' C???) choice red as men, n . . - . h '1 ,Island Lob- 6333—- .Crossed Fis :zf:§:ll)i)grtilfle£,4\6ré 31:1}. m Guaranteed Sardines, highest grade, tin.... . Fresh Packed. 35C Iglglrze‘gian: ...... 28c Three tinsior $1.15 Per tin ....... SARDINES WITH SAUCE 10¢ ALASKA PILCHARDS 20c No. 62% Sardines in tomato 10C snuce,pertin.......l ....... No. 60— Norwegian Sardines, 20c rtin.................:... izleo. 61»—Brunswick Sardines, 10¢ per tin ....................... No. 792—A choice deep sea fish P0959”? ing a flavor equal to salmon. Lb. tin. . 20c Mackerel Clams No. 76—0 l a m s , No.889 —— Mack- Island packed, best “91» Per cam ~ - ~ stock. Per tin.... .18 Per doz. cans. “$1.90 Per doz. t‘ml . .81 90 SLICED SMOKED BEEF sjystllli“(; - - 334—Clark’s Sliced Srnok- ‘fl-chP-Efu/. Si Beef. ideal ior outings, ’ " sandwiches, put up in glasses c .V Sour Mixed Catsup 45c Pickles ‘ No. 76 *Hean 25¢ 33:5 ““5“ es. ma e from several ¥o. 9725-Hceilz varieties of ":31?! oz: 2 5 carelu y se- lected vege— Per bottle C tables and out No. 97—- and prepared Tomato Cat- with strictly lull. 18 ounce pure aged mail; sizlet excellent Vinegar an us 1 y. spices. Per 16- Per bottle 40C oz. bottle . .lk SAUCES 383—Perfecti on Sauce HORSE RADISH 20c Per bottle .............. A Choice Brand Dozen ............... 81.25 No. 9—-Be¢l-Slelk 25c 30 Sauce. per bottle ....... C dNo. 99—15. 5’ Sauce. well n l . No. 372* -flel nz Per boat‘t’loelr, .y . if??? . . 45‘: Horse Radish. ab- No. 99A—Punch 28 solutely pure. will re~ Sauce. per bottle. ...... C tam its strength and PBS—- Mandalay 3o flavor in years in Sauce. Per bottle ..... C any climatg; special- y prepare . 1..., home. .. 30c RELISHES No. 438 — Curry Powder. per bottle .. . . . . 15C Dozen .................. 81.50 No. '14—Pnpared Mustard put u under the Pure Food Laws. Per bottle. . . 15C ads—Paprika Poppa-.520 C Deviled Beef 0c Ha m perlpackage. . . . ........ 382-—Cclcry Salt. m’ per package ........... 15¢ H385— Deviled Beef Dozen ................ 81.50 Ham, makes delicious sandwiches, excellent on SEASONING HERBS lout- 'm‘" fin ''''' 10‘ Gas—Seasoning Herbs, includ- Larger size .......... lie in sage, summer savory, 12C i . packages ........... No. l'per tall tin. .12c ORWEGIAN {110- 2lper tall tin..18c o. 3 per tsll tin 25c " R.'T.'HOLMAN)LlMlTED Summerside, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921—22 A PAGEF UL 0F DELEC TABLE DAINTIES . Clark’s Pork and Beans Clark’s Pork and Beans is a well and fav- orably possessing the stock and packed under ideal conditions. known quality, best 0! Dozen ........ 31.85 Dozen... . . . . .5100 Dozen... . . . . . 32.85 No. 763—P i n e - apples, deliciously grated—a very pal- atable and appetizing dessert; size is known as 2 lb. can. (Write for prices.) No. 721—- This selected Com is not to be compared with cheap varieties. This is a guaranteed quil- ity. (Write for prices.) Extra Grade Peaches No. 720— Finest Yellow Peaches, perfectly ripened, preserved and pack- ed in heavy syrup, very superior quality. (Write for prices), APPLES No. 719—Largo size, 2% lb tin canned Apples. expertly packed and preserv- ed. Delicious for making pies. (Write for prices) PEAS No. 839—- Highest grade selected Peas carel ul ly prepared and packed: a super- ior delicacy 2 lb. tin. (Write for prices.) cited eons. iety. these with cheap quali- ties. Extra Quality TOMATOES _No. 837—V e r y highest quality se- lected Tomatoes. ch0ice, fully ripened and delicious. (Write for prices.) BEANS No. 838—Fine ini- Golden Wax best table var- Do not compare (Write for prices) Hams and Bacons Island Write for prices Davis’ & Fraser's also Swift’s Chicken Large 5 Can 4 GEO—P ri n c 9 Edward Island Canned Chick- Hams and Bacons. PURE LEAF LARD Write for prices Davis & Fraser's Pure Leaf 0555 — Ice Cream emyounz chick- . Cones, a fine grade sweet- en carelully Lard. Can be supplied ened cake cone, buy up 8 °°°ked “‘d in 2-") blocks, also 3 cleanly canned. Large size tin ior... . . . . .. 45c lot 0! these ior your ice cream trade at 100 ior .......... 45C PURE No. 9632—C a m p - and 5-lb tins, and 10 and 20-"). wood pails. G387—Lynn Brand Condensed Vegetable bells assorted Son in- Sou , med'u Elwingciiljoimm' exe- sizeptin... .' .mlloc P2rfi’n...l.c. en 17c ldozen ....... $1.00 Dozen ............ $1.85 No. 9633—CIai-k's Write for Tolls-ate Soup. extra prices $2331.”: ......... 156 on other Per dozen ......... $1.60 canned goods. OLIVES Pei-{06. 2:212 bottleflll‘f'. . .209 Dozen .................. 82.15 5 IgZ'bgiue. . fly. Ref. .250 Dozen ................. 82.25 No. 514—Manzanllla 20 Olives. per 5 oz. bottle.. .. c *8 Hm Dozen ................. $2.25 “W“ PeygosziGbo—mfffuyes'zoc Peanut Butter Dozen. ................ 82.25 No. 7— McLaren's Peanut Butter. will spread on bread, ' ior h splendid ssnd- Essence TOOth PICks wrc es. 40 No 476—Tooth ' k P t ....... c ' ' pm I e; rs. _ a...“ Vinegar gr": .‘f‘t‘ids. 3°: .. 5c 3.?“ Leann! But- filo. 375—D o u b l e . . anteed un- “Pr—lifllel“:° Pointed Tooth Picks, iii-wet e Pure Food 0‘ vinegar, made of selected straight L ' - 40¢ per bottle. .251: 3"““9‘! w°°d' 7 arge slze.. . . . Per box C Small size ........ 26c .. """ . ' ' l . JOHN A PORT BAXTEH [BURDE P . E . ISLA \ l y l i ulll‘ns ill i i if y Stencils, 15¢ each OOZ—Name and address. Stencils cut in heavy paper. These will be lound invaluable ior No. 79—ln- dla Relish—— a sweet pickle relish of finely cut vegetables highly spice shipping_ a pies, strawberries, vegetables, etc. There'vnll e no mistakes, and our name and address on your product will me e s lendid ad- vertisement for 4x16 inches, sac and seasoned; delightl ully app etizin . Price or g batting .450