lffiYou Don’t See What You Want Write to Us 153



CONVERSATION 7 . _ Z CANDY Bon Bons 5H EU :1; , , ,

”3313:6863-in ”£51: CR EA M S 2 5C Old Fashioned

' catchy Phrases and 35c *7 7 " ‘i V 20 lb S . k C d

. - irriterelsting _ sayings. N0 s-«Sele cted N0. 67—Pepper- c . tlc an y 6 D02.

a Leadlng value pgglllee: candy yzousné iighl Bon;.e.dl: Creains. mixed con-

mlnt Candy. pure, No. 320—-—Populai' Old Fashioned Per lb ........ licioua and whole— coniection that is fresh and nicely 983- Gum drops. Stick Cam”. made of sugar and twisted


' ' ' large slicks, each stick wrapped separ- 6826— One ound box of assorted In 5 to 30 lb. some. very toothsome. flavored. Per lb. 25: delicious cone lhuped into Chocolates: putiip in adainty 63 lots. 23 pal-1b ...... 35C Per pound.. 250 In 5 to 30 lb. 230 confelftlons. 20C iglzbk for 55¢ package. Special price .......... C Perlb ......... C Two lbs. for“ . 70c Two poundstor.. .151: lots. Perlb.. . Perl ........... s i s ......................

.: , i, : Mixed Candy

' F'GZSZ—A good value in special mixed Candy. We could not ‘, possibly make this other but for { the (int that we buy tons of this ' can yatatime.

5lb.lots perlb ............ 18C

Per sing e pound ............. 20c gifflel: 35c


No.ss_u...s... m.ne§:;,%fi3;.fn§_'l¥ 25c N U I S

G38——Chlclets. one of the best gums, in packages, 8 pieces mint covered, candy mated gum at .......... 5c

, i h i , d d l er carfw‘Jgf i522} figigfifcfmfifi e “3155er 5 lb lots per lb ........ 23c yoga. Per 1b.... . . . . . c m N0.t11—-l‘;{)esh roasted 20C - . 0 av r, peanu 5, per .......... Per 1b.. .r.. . . f3 ....... 32¢ weet reat 51111131?” .h ....... I ...... 90c . ____ o. 2—— i berts, se ect- Tablets Edgrafde, a lb ............ 3215:, . s. o ................ . No. 6—Pen'ny Nut EACH No 0672—va t B a: No. ifs—Almonds ........ 80c No. asl—ernle ’s Goods. 3 large B c 1. 'ed - nee rented 5lbsfor ................. $1.45 Spearmint Chewing Inn variety always in ars 3.33}; “‘ 3’ “5°” No.14—Shelled Waln- 65 a delightful mint flavo‘r. st‘oéclé- Per box55c NO‘ 172— P I ' I ll . M », No 964 W I II n I, d '5 Per roll 50 unis, Hb' ' ' ~17“ 1 lb- ' ' C V. . . _ en. . . ,. ._ ‘, _ __ ................ _ . limeoifnggegfiglpach‘a'ge . 70: i{lickfioizze of 10 AclcllbDI-ops. 40c Chocolate Nut Bars, P" men” of 20""3' ' ' 75° bulk? aislbwflnwi'. m. . 300 one dozen. . V C Per ' ' ' ' ' a nuiritious, sweet-meat. " _ J lilo. I.§l(:‘fi'—\N|-Ibgley's _____ h01:11.}eriitlcasta 28C C nd. d . costumesff. .°.*. 70c CHARMS 5c Thousands 2c MILLIONS 4c E..£?ff?.‘?f.-:::. . . .5. a ‘e 4 0C SMOOTH CARAM ELS

No.171—~Char- No.173—Thons- No.174 -— Mll- Beans '-

ALMONDS 40c lb.

No. 752 ——c a n a a I a in ms, that dainty ands, u Wr't Y , - P" ons. per 1 e our No. C764 Boston - i331”. {gfiffli‘f‘f f’fl 70c :gfddgavg'fh g“? lb -------- 40c 1b.. . 40 Order Plainly Baked Beans, per lb..40c man‘knciissziesr'iifl'sl: Califiiifelsjg-‘lb. 40¢ Per stick ............... lo a package. _ C per ounce, . _ , .2c Per ounce.. , . . 3c 5-lb.lots, penlb ...... 85c 5-lb. lots, per 1b.. .42c 4-lb. lots, per lb. .351:


Bull Dog45c The 5““ TOBACCO Tobacco lN TIN TRUNKS

N . 220—— Vol t ‘7 Cult0 Tobacco, "is .Cut Tobacco Per Pound

90_ Bulldog pipe brier wood bowl cool, delicate, aro- T88— Handy Pocket.

- tic smoking to- . (not soft wood), rubber mouth piece, anaacco. Size acka e H. and N. 1 nickelferi'ule. 450 Per fin ________ 28c Brig t at Tobacco, .

Each ..................... 8Tinstor ...... $1.98 good quality, conven-

ient Iize. Price 156


b GT175-t—Hiude’s To- acco in run 5; , regular $1.25for'$1'00 .


l—Mastei‘ Mason 8——Rosebud P. 91—Straight Item pipe. round , 2—Clay Pipe 9—Derby 1p 6 bowl,oval rubber mouthpiece, 45¢ \ .n‘ SMOKE . S—Ainerican Navy, 10—M a s t e r nickel ferrule. Each ....... .l .. 4 A1323“ Navy 11 vsvto rkman Cleaners . . -— a Q ROUND T219—lfl’rinfce A1112”; (3172— 513., “Bank ' 12—Fir§ Chief nationa y amo . angor 13—51, k MOUTHPIECE chm.“ °°°l smoking ii: --...,.T22rs—Cigm, with good filler, well 6—K”! George's amroe 4c


wra ed cod do i h ; 3" PP ! K W n or t a price PRIJES 0N APPLICATION

_ tobacco. l-lb- 5c tying smokin - . g tobacco , £— Tinm . . - - - - -- 3 . With a rich aromatic

Igound 8189; 2365' flavor. Price per 40C Egg? 332x91. gthgtijim. and”. $2.00 Per Dozen ' _ . 'tll W_lt sponge an . i-lhm ......... ,. . otter q}: ty tobacco and filler. 6635—? {Amiga Simipigcgo 91 but 15' c Pipe cleanem- -$ Four finsfor ...... 81.50 g}; :1;ng .(ihippmz wt. 18 on.) $2.40 CUT TOBACCOS Cleallm- #3“:

h 120—— “dim..- dumb.” cm.“ 18—Master Work- 23—Clay Pipe °‘ '1‘“ mm“

Free deliv-

wire,cotton cover-

We_have a large 331$;a5pgg. with good filler. $3.00 19—61331: [West 24_ Rona Que ed. will clean the

ery on all stocked Grocery T2! ”that; CIIII'I. made 20—Old Chum Del "9‘“ th°'°“lh1I€- ' De p a r t m e n t of nelactul quali 3".“ Leaf. 22—Velvet 25—T0rpedo TWBlVe (or. . . . gOOdS IISted write if you do Sumatra filler. no ctly hand mode, 26—Maflter Mason Twenty-four “'7‘

93— Brier pipe with curved rub- in Pages 1 to "not see here what "”1 ‘mhd' guaranteed ‘1‘“th: Prlces 0” "PUCATION'

ship 2 weight 16 ozi. Get Our Price. her t , v r ular t lo and you need. . » For End 50. ............... “-25 Write for ' On All sun ‘11 gosh-on: 1:13:53. prize: . .454: 64- —————1— , Price. on TWISt Tobaccos Good Cloud-It: