’ r R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summerside, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 192l-22 Lixuciimiifir SOAP No. 833— Gold Soap bar is one-fifth larger than any other 9c family or laun- dry soap on the market. 8 Price per bar ........... C 12 for .......... . ..... 93c made of purest i'ngre- dients. Per small bar large bar, each ...... WASH ING C0 MPOU ND THE GREAT INVENTION " w fuavmo fou‘txum ( WIrA/our Ian/wry 7'0 I'll: 1 I'lxrupLCoLoa Oar/hm . _ ...... .. TNE PRDCI’ER A GAMBLE MFGLQ l” 'MVOIKSJIANI nomnmos, No. 834—— r. and G. White Naptha Soap is high quality soap containing a large percentage of Cas- cleansing purposes, No. 867—Mack's No Rub laundry Tablets will remove dirt without in- SlX FOR ‘uring the finest fabrics; contains lueing. Try 6 tablets at ................. 25C 250 Per tablet ......................... 5c Lifebuoy Soap I 10c No. 12—webuoy Soap, besides being a thorough cleanser is disinfec- lo tant; cake ............ C 3 cakes for ............. 25c LUX Washing Soda $889— Lux Washing Powder, softens water and is excellent for cleans- I’er package ..... 13C Comfort Lye 14c ‘ mg. 2for .................. 23c L8864—Comfort Lye is ———-———————-— well and favorably known AMMONIA from the Atlantic to the Pacific. One pound Com- fort Lye will make ten pounds good solt soap in about twenty minutes. 14C POWDER $608-— Ammonla, sol t- ens the hardest water and Per tin ----- : -------- dissolves grease and dirt: Per dozen tins ........ $1.60 suitable also for household use and disinfecting pur- poses. Price 5c er package ....... . . . . . ix packages. .......... .zsc lish) Square Blue. It is more soluble and easier to use than ordinary ball or powdered blues—does ' not stain or dye the linen. 3 Per square ............. c. Four squares for ....... _.10¢ WASHING (l No.b71k4—Whlte Laun- p312..t“..2 .......... 10c COMPOUND Slbs. lor .............. 21c , ' No. 715—niue Laundry 3 lb is” 10c C er . . . . . s .......... 3 lbs. for. . . . . .......... 27c W720——- Washing Com- h1:10. “llb— Ivory gloss pound, to; softening the 30 w 'te, er . water, a ............. packing: .............. 12¢ W721—Washing Soda, No. 717—Cellulold a}. ...... »..; ......... 4c Stitch in Nb. W179—LumpBorax, package... ........ ”13C alb.......: ..... ....150 No. 988—lvory Soap, 11 articularly high class soap or‘the finer laces and linens, ”9c 13c No. 38—Pearllne, for all afl'ects tile; will cleanse equally neither color, texture, nor well in cold or hot 8 hands. 7; water. Per bar ........ C Small size ............. 2c 12 for ................ 93c Medium size ............ 15c Dy¥Sunset S o a p silk, mixed shades carried in stock-IA pkg.lp¢ so“ the] hands nor utensils.) ‘ as!“ BROOM 600 No. 9—A well bound4 string Corn Mn. wire bound handle; good ' clean fibre. Price.. . . .600 Bon Am! Bon Arnl is a The cleanser that re- . quires no brushes, Scrflendld n8 mops, cleanls No. 9622—Cotton ”tops eanser ‘1 surlaces. PO - good long string co on; ishes all metals. Wilfh 10-inch cotton 580 1 2 k Price 12 winhgs git. hfiimtlle” . .. v ' it 1 -inc s rings; some- c pc g Per package. C what larger size ......... 85c M? PEARL WHITE 8c vav- gigocooooooooooog‘engg‘ ‘ SOAP ’84 RLWH ‘Pl H10.—Pearl White Nap- :01 L81 tha Soap, “Eorkstperfiecttly 0/ o in hard or so t wa er, 0 or '0; gAOPAlB ‘rv‘ 3:: ‘ cold and is anideal‘ltalundrg c’ . KQOQL soap. A coupon Wl eac o e, ‘ (8) 1013‘ Wrapper- 8c ‘ ’ 'iwwamlaags‘ggg‘ Per cake .............. 12 for ................. 98c Black Knight Stove Polish 12c No. 99— Black Knight Paste (in tins) each ............. 12C Per dozen ................... L 31.25 Dozen... . No.97wRi rig Sun per cake 602.,each.............' ...... .. Per dozen ..................... ’ $1.20 No. 98—Sultana Paste (in tins) each...‘ .................... 120 Per dozen ..................... $1.25 DIAMOND DYES $66— Dllmond Dyes made in two strengths; for wool or silk and {or cotton, linen or mixed goods' 1 ed” g which you requireIAlIo , useful for making inks, art colors liquid blueing, color varnish, shoe dressing, etc. Per sin le packets. .......... . . . .13c . - Twelve [or ........... $1.25 Sunset Soap Dye, Per Package'lOc "I Witt-Sunset soon" ' ' Dyes dye all fabrics alike—cotton, wool, goods, at the same time and giving the Same shade to all.““20} colors {and (These dyes do not <' o s, Sapolio _'PER' C , _CAKE V , ”3N0." 83¥Sapouo requires no 31'. “liailif‘f‘f'f‘i Sill"??? . {13¢ ’ toll-1:313: iii—rigs? .SIpollo, 13C l 'introduc’iion, used the world over ' and 10 OZ BAR , No. 864—10 oz. Ba Castlle Toilet Soa . Each ............... I.” ............... ...l'...16c l864—Small cake Castile Soap 4 for.._ ......... 25c that Pam' Olive Soap 9c No. Delight Soap ' injure the-most delicate skin; good for young and id. oPer cake ........... 10C 204—— Infant’s will not BOSS HAND CLEANER 151—Boss Hand Clean er, removes all grease 15C grit and dirt ......... I 1 t -:l" w. u Minimum \llllllllL_ uw‘ l Scouring Powder No. 8826—Holman'l ‘ Scourlng Powder is splendid for cleaning scouring and disinfect- ln ; large package, big va us. 1 1 C at each ........... W CASTILE SOAP ROSE TOILETSQAB No. 2024... Toilet Soap. a beautiful article is cleaning and healing. 3 ' package for .............. No. SSS—Palm Ollve Soap. made of the purest Olive oil, great for the skin and complexion. Per cake ................ Three cakes for ........ l-pine' tin ........... :06 l-plnttin ......... . .506 W728—I’Iltl Cm ' brass'polish a tin. . . .2“ W729—l’uta Cream: larger tin, esch., ..... 45¢ .16cfi’ FAIRY TOILET SOAP 8c» ‘ No. 216—--Falry Soap is a good toilet, bath or nursery soap for reasons~ . of its purity and easy solubility in water ‘. suitable “ tor in fants; its creamy lather is rich and heal'm Prices”? ...... 80 _9c ...... '. . .25c ' S752—lnlzaby' awn Qoap, we nown fiuality. Per cake.15c ox of 3 cakes for 45¢ SGML—Monster Bath 5 Pgiflzhke..........15c 2 for ....... ‘ ........ 28¢ Sl‘5’—- Madam Boys’ Complexion Soap. con- taining witch hazel, glycerine and buttermilk; a delightful refreshing soap 8 cakes in dainty box ........ 19c No. file-4LT uld Veneer. large bott e fur- niture polish ........ 50¢ ,\I No. 723 ‘— qullld eneer. Small bottle... . . . . .28C No. 725 -— Sapolln