Read About our Free Delivery Offer ’Good Values in Reliable Every-Day Necessities I TOOTH . PASTE No.181—flol- man'sToottI Paste. is an— t i s e p t i c fragrant and cleansing, pre- serves the teeth, hard- ens the gums and sweetens. the breath; in tubes with mouth -piece. .4 Price ..... 20c . Cream,’ boa: . piece. P rice FLORIDA WATER No. 10—-Flor- Ida Water, 3- ounce bottle. ggitle: 30C if Bay BUM 35C} 1 '. l—Bay ma .‘1 JOHNS l Ink-ulna. No. 981—Johnson's Anodyne Llnl- ment for internal and external use—— for man and beast, a purely vegetable extract with excellent healing properties. Price .................. No. 932—M1nard’s Unlinent a well and lavorably known white lini- Price ...................... me at. ,3 pass—col- ‘9 a te‘s Dental tube with rib- mouth ..ZSC J r R l n “ roiiiilai shaped I AMERICAN Brush, as above cut. Each .................... No. 9—Tooth Brush. 6-inches B . “Charhbis Skins oil tarihed. finn', goo ty; sizes 12x12 ins. Price eaclr. 1;- . . 12x15 ins .......... FELLOWS SYRUP $1 .25 D67 — Fellows Compound Syrup 0! Hypophosphltes is known all over the American conti- ASPIRIN TABLETS nent as one 01 the best tonia on the market. run-down systems -Large bottle, sold regularly for $1. 50. Each ................... It is a blood and nerve food that will tone up the most Brest Pump No. 75—Breast Pump sanitary shape, easily cleaned. Price.>........._...59c 12 . for 19C N6. 22— As- ?i'le'r't 53735:? ‘ $1. 25 1?; 19¢ Seamless I RUBBER NIPPLE; 10c N.o 2— Seamless Rubber Nipple, to fit over mp 0‘ bottle. 10C Each ............... Transparent ball top... .. ‘ Erica-p.- ............ :106 Self-Cleaning Tooth Brush No. 66—Sanltary Sell Cleanlng Tooth w1th fou rows white bristles. Each ........ . ............ ; 3 bottles lor..$L35_ TOOTH BRUSH 26c No. 4—Tooth Brush. 4 rows 01 white bristles, has shaped handle. N o. 9—Tooth- Brush. 4 rows white bristles, bon‘e handle 25c 15c Each. . . 35c 35c long, polished bone handle, concave or straight, 2-5c* SPECIAL VALUE No. 289—— Speedway in‘ it“ Hot Water Bottle good q‘uality inade of rubber with patent scro 0% .I op. Price .............. 98c 4. u. .- - a :.,'...'J.! - -,-17‘c * Mennen’ 3 Try U-O- SHAVING Talcum SOAPS . HAIR No. 867—Men- No. 189— wnch nen's Rotated Hazel Shavlng TONIC”— Talcum. con- Sticks soap with gigeredrfltbe best a dilightful cream c cum on lat e ; A CURE FOR tibia marlket: a fine Eachf. . 22‘: Sh eicatey psr- No. 190— ogate‘s av- ALL HAIR fumed powder mammal“ [nu Stlck 40C R0 ES . that is Well ‘ Each.. . 1 . . . .l .......... T UBL worth its regular I N21. 2913—51111an Cup i311) 1 price. roun ca 9. 222 — U-o-nalr On 1 .......... . . ; .. c 'n-eatnfiem dishan , mm“? 210 , midl- , unusua ygoo air . ,_ , .. restorer and bgaiutgi- ‘ '_ Shavrng Cream tier. 1: r n s ’ “ ‘ ‘ ~. haul; the silky softness and VIOLET In Handy lustre to the hais, delsltl'oys dan- Tube drufl germs an WI even re- . store the hair it applied before TALCUM the root is completely dead. It is also a' sure remedy for 15 PER C itching scalp. 1 Full tre‘atment c TIN in every ott e, sent 0 any N5 191_ COIEH‘Q) Shav- ad_dress upon receipt of No. 7§—V l o l e 1 price ....... > ......... $2 00 Talcum Powder, in fifif’eam' ..... 40¢ ,fancy decorat- 15 """"""" ed tin ........ C .. . . r: "‘5 remedyfor coughs colds, and pul- monary disorders. It builds up wast- Vaseline 4 02- 15c No. 723—Petroleum1ell , li ht color 2 ounce screw top bottle. Pyrite.g .......... Ice Blue Seal. Vaseline. Per 4- -ounce bottle ................................ Handy 58 . some... c Glycerme BENZINE 1 2 c No. 8— Atonllzer. 13 c A Good Cleaner lass bottle, white rub- . . .. .lit ngs, continuous j D24—Bemlne. éxce nt. ior’x ' 1 ’ 11min lcanite con- a bottle removing grease, pa1lI,3‘étc., - . noel throat and " . without injury to the fine’st tab- > . gragssGfiersupenor ric. Price 12C 8 .. Inc. a bottle 13¢ per bottle .............. §;;STVPlC PE N C I L 40c: D973—A very special l CASTORIA 35 Doses 5c 17 2'—-‘ Castor-la is the old stand- ard remedy for any nervous run- } ' - ed tissues, um . down «2011le rrof} 1. ; D72—Putn Gm .mmd “m. fies the bloodpand value 1n Antiseptic Sty- the a stem gand 15m 11 l s l o - . gfl1shes and other‘llouseé- ‘ is a splendid plc Penclb -,w1ll stop ordiar y ijlrnents' 0‘ Cod Liver 0“ hold duties used by sur- eneral tonic. 310W of “00“ from .cut caused by "F" 24 a superior bone geons physicians nurses edium size bot- instantly. Ind1spensrble povenshed us- ......... C and hody-build- and photographers ’ tle. . . . . . ' . _ 75c for shavmg. Per 35c sues. There are lngtonic, 11 60c Made of good red rubber Lar e size 1 15 dozen ........... 85 doses in every bottle ----- ' sizes? to 9 botfie Each .............. 5c bottle- Price Per 24c mean bottle“ 40c RELIABLE HOME REMEDIES finial}!!! 3%.1; ‘1'} z'E 3‘ :ii . coon QUALITY HOT WATER BOTTLE ii)" D18—Castor all small size bottle ..... 1 DC > D’rl—Wo’odbury’s Unlmcnt. {or sprains, bruises and9 sore muscles, gig—1C a s t o r highly recom- II' ge . size2bottle..15c “16.11de for re D3 2—Pendelm burldrng wasted ton’s ' Panacea, tissue; will cure Per bottle. .351: colds, and give D75—E p s o m- renewed strength Salts. the re- and vigor. 95 ‘ liable laxative,5c Large bottle C , package. . . . . Three lor.. .3235 ‘ a. bottle.- ........ .............................. 3for.. . . " ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ No. 962—0llv- Ine Emulslon. D73—Superior grade Cod Liver 0|],‘a bottle. .25c 3fol' ........ 65c D74—S y r u p of Tar and. Cod- lne. a, superior cough and cold 35c remedy, a bottle . . Slor... D76— Dr. Wil- son’s Aromatic Cascara Comr- pound. pleas- ant to the taste. for all liver or bowel troubles, a bottle ...... 30c C°mb“‘“‘°“ Nursing Bottle Brush f FOUNTAIN N No. 5 _ _ ,_ ‘ ", svnmcs a 3'3: '1‘ 2.. “—Q Brush 10 ins. ' D998—Coln- Ascut....l§c - ' hill) Foun- tain yringe, is complete with. rubber tube and attachments; 800d quality $2295..“ 10 No. 3—- Nuts- In!) Bottle [‘11- . "“95 has long. white tube, seam- ' lCes nipple Complete. 15c}