313 R. T. HOLMAN LIMITED, Summersido, Canada, Fall and Winter Catalog, No. 26, 1921-22 u It is just as liberal and far-reaching b/ as it sounds. It does not matter whether 3 your cash order amounts to 50c or $50.00—whether for one article 9. or ten articles, if it is taken from any page in Holman’s Catalog be- ? tween the first page and page 64, it will be delivered to you all transporta- tion charges paid to your nearest railway station or express office, or by mail. ' This means that cash orders taken from pages 1 to 64 inclusive will be delivered (if by rail) to your nearest railway station or express office, but since the major part of such goods can be forwarded by Parcel Post it will bring your parcels practically to your door in Eastern Canada. Q This generous Free Delivery Offer on everything between pages 1 to 64 enables you 9 9, to take advantage of Holman’s low prices and know exactly what the goods will cost you 2! delivered. Start by comparing our prices with any catalog printed—begin with rubbers and rubber footwear page one; and please note that even at our low prices each pair will be delivered. It makes Holman’s Fall and Winter Catalog the greatest money-saving book printed this year. Mail your order today—everything guaranteed exactly as represented, or subject to prompt return to us at our expense. ' __._—.___ TO ANY RAILWAY STA- TION iN THE MARITIME PROVINCES---GOODS OR- DERED FROM PAGES 64 TO 162. - - - With the combination of Holman’s Free Delivery FREIGHT PAID ON CASH OR— $ DERS AM- OUNTING TO In addition to Holman’s liberal Free -Del(ilveryd an Ofi‘er and ‘Holman’s low prices, the slogan “Holman’s everything in Dry Goods and lighter goods liste an 1" Catalog Brings the Store to Your Door” is more than ever lustrated from the first page to page 64 of Holman’s Catalog crowded With meaning. The Holman service comes nearer to o_u now than it ever approached before, and it brings Wit it values that are unbeatable in honest merchandising. No. 26, we also pay delivery charges on all heavy goods to any railway station in the Maritime Provinces when cash orders amount to $10.00 or over. . These heavy goods include everything on pages 6 If you appreciate our efiort to give to you a greater 4 to shopping service—bigger values—better satisfaction there is nothing that will prove this more conclusively than your 162 when well g00dS bear prices in this catalog, and p ro— order. And we solicit your order on condition that when i ed the are not s ecified otherWise. the goods reach you, if they are not more than satisfactory v d y P . . . . Our low prices do not permit us to pay freight beyond in; every way, you Will promptly ship them back to us nearest R. R. Station on trans-shipments by water route to a 01;: exPenlje- h t . b_ b d ' ' 11 extra char e is in many . we new ow 0 give a iggerl— roa er—more port of destination, liut 13h:i (:23 We pay fieight to any Sincere and generous offer to prove to you that_we not cases ofi'set by 0111‘ 0W P - only cater for your trade but are determined to railway station in Quebec on cash orders amounting f H l ’ Catalog Quebec merit it, we would indeed be glad to put such an to $25.00 or over mm 0 man s . offer into effect. customers can however, also enjoy the absolutely Thls cataIOg Your order will have careful attention at Hol- tree delivery altered on goods selecte; “9m P181165 Cancels The mar;;’ls,xlan(it I{0111 can tfiStt :ssuretd when tyou 11313:? Inclusive. Freight paid to ouris ony on _ : any i g a . 0 man s e_ r nsac ion is no co - tag-I}? 02:11am amounting to $10.00 or over from the Prices Quoted ed closed until you are satisfied. f other than pages 1] Previous There’s no better time than right now to make Magdalen Islands selected mm InA out that order for HOLMAN’S. 1 t° 64' Issues. - -