IAcid Dropl. .153 Bldg. Hdwre.138 139 Cow Bells” . . 126 Flower Stand.. . . 91 Jack Planes. ..184 lies. ...... . . .147 Pulle Block. . . . 130 Slei h h at 127 '1‘ Pi k 3 Alsbastlns. ..141 Building Paper. 3197 Cradles.. .. .. 81 Flue Sages. 139 Jack Screw.. ..1a1 Mitre Boxes.. . ..135 pong. iarm142—148 Sleigh 113053 I I 1127 1‘33le p.221 Iiiigo Alarm Clocks. 62 Bureau Handles..138 Crates.. . . . . 128 Flour Sifter 110 Jackets, In- Mouldings. . . . . . 113 Pump Supplies... 143 Sleigh robes...... . 15 Towels. . . . . . . . . 60 Alcohol Stoves. . 123 Burlap ....... . . 74 Crucifix... . . . . . 94 Fobs ..... . . . 115 (ants. . . . . . #1112! Molasses. wui‘l Slei barbell-1135:. . 102 TowellRacks an Aluminum Paint.14l Butter Color... 151 Cream Jug. . . . ., 116 Food Choppe .111 Pump Strainers. 143 Slickersh .. . . ‘11 Alummum Ware 109 Butter Crock. . . . 93 Cream Separator.122 Foot Scraper. . . 112 Pufied Grains. 151 atel. ' . . . , Ammonia. ...... . 154 Butcher Knives..117 Crockery. . . . .92, 94 Foot Remedies. . 10 . es..‘ 6’! laps. . .~ Ammunition. . . . 144 Butcher sow. . . .117 Crooks. ,. . . . . . 93 Forges" . . . . . . . . 132 *. 1 klrtsnr. Anchors ........ 149 Butter Dishes. . .116 Creamers. . . . . . . 111 Footwear . . 1 to 10 " ' ,1 ‘. Anlmal Bait. . . . 144 Butter Ladlss.. . . 118 Crisco ...... . . . . 151 Forks, Stable. . 130 atlrlgpoot Animal Dip. . . . . 128 Butter, peanut....151 Crefie Paper.. . . .104 Forks, table. . .117 ‘te 11139.. Animal Traps. . . 144 Butter Moulds....1u Cro lnole Gamo.100 Founts. poul y . 128 , . kates'.. . . . , . . . .1 3 Anvils .......... 182 Butter Prints.. . . 118 Crumb Tray... . . 111 Fountain pens.... 104 Quilts ...... . 65 moke s‘upplies‘. . 153 'II fipplgs, Cannedqlig Butter Spade” . .118 gufibLIIIIdsC ItI hI 1g: gourétaingyringegg Quilt Clamps. 135 Soap ........... 154 T I pro s.........* > up oar ac. ox upes.... da D's‘h'.108, 09 grinfiBIarIldssh . ' 12 Cake Baskt'leS gup Crease. . . . .143 Frame?I pictures. 113 Kerosene . . . . Scalp DIyelIII ..... 1154 IIIunoblers‘. . A hl on no . 101 Cake Cut_rs..110 urtalns“ . . . . . . 6 FrerIl Ivory 104 Cans . . . . .111 Napples“, Gla Rafter Brack- Soap Saver. ...... 11, ur, entln ..1 I 13.01311?" ~ .-. 139 Cake filling .151 Curtain Material 67 ant 185,- Kettles NeatslootOil erg” _ , , __ . .130 Soldering Sets. . .149 will. ..... ~. 7 fishISIlfterm . . .‘ . . 123 Cake Pans, .. . _ .110 Curling Tongs.... 61 Fry Pans '. . 109, 110, 111. Necklets.. r Raincoat, . , dot doors’ ...... 139 ube Cleaner.. . . 131 splrlIn Tablets. 155 Cake Plate. _____ 116 Curr Comb... . . 125 Funnels... . . . . . . 110 Kid loves. . . . . . 53» Needles..... . . Ladies‘.. . .. . 37 00‘? Destroyer figomrzgrt. ...... 12% Cake Turner. .110 8111) Iooks. . . . .2138 gurnfiure” . 75. 91 Kid e Cars. . . . .102 I. Nightgown: ' _ Raincoats, Mens..23 .. . . . . . .123, 149 Ulsters‘. . . .28, 30 AIIlIrII rP l sI. ..... 14 Calipers... . . .135 urtain Rods.. .. 4 Furs “Ire $311313. 112 Kimonos. ...... 46 Ladies. . .. ... 45, Raisins . .153 Sapoli . . . . . . 154 Umbrella g Auto taln IIII . . . . 2% Camfloles.. .. . 45 Suspidorc. . . . . . 9: IIIur coIlIavl. eIn 3. 31 KindergartenSet 102 Nightgowns, Ran es .121 Soups ........ 15317 Stands. . . . 76 Aut ssropII 111225.} '1 Camphor......r‘.154 Custard up.... 9 IIurs, l omens.. 15 K1tohen3aW!-...117 GlIrls ....... 45 Ratt es..... 100 $0133.. . ..... 71 Umbrellas......'.I 22 Anti; 9%:sz , 34 823391151; f.‘ 311; 0:213:33“ . . .. . 1% ur. g oves ..... 53 gage: 11:11:“ .132 glgthtplgatcho. . .138 gate“ Chair IlgIlI 30de . . . . . . . . . .Igg Underskirts, W0; 48 ..-.. . e ue s. oe per...... asps ..... pa es ....... .. .men's........’ Awls ..... . . i . . .126 Canning Rackinllo Kneading pans... 109 '3. . ........ 96—103 Rat t a s . 112 Spaghetti ....... 151 Underskirts Gi la ‘51 Axes... ..... . . . .131 Canned Goods.. .152 Dairy Ther— 33:19:“ - lgo Knife shar ener. 117 Nursing bottles... 94 RazoisIII. .I . . . . .120 Speed Indicator 132 Underwear,I LaId- . Axle Grease... . .126 CanningSet.. . . . 117 mometer. .. . .112 GzltIIII ne g Knives an forks.. Nutmegs.. ...... 153 Razor Strops. . . . 120 Spices .......... 152 ies. . . . . . . . 50, 61 Axle Washers... .126 Canister ........ 110 Dampers, Galatefle‘j’ ~ 59 ..116, 117 Nuts..... ..... .154 Receipt book.. . .102 Spice box ....... 111 Underwear. Men’s17 Can Opener... . .112 . Stove . . . ..123 Garters 'W' '. ' ' ‘. 64 Knitted sets.. . . , 16 Nut crackers. . . . 110 Records, talking Splrit Compass. .149 Underwear, child Baby C a, r- Cant Hook ...... 131 Dance Records. . 107 Gate hboksol'fifis Knitted skirts. . . 50 - machine. . 106—107 Spoke shave. . . . 134 ren’s ...... . . . 51 is g” B a c k Canvas Gloves. . 13 Datum! NBGdlel- 61 6y“ 139 Knitting needles. 63‘ Office Desk._- 79. Record needles... 114 Spark plquH .147 Upholstering‘ m Gov” Card Case. . . . .. 67 «Dash Aprons. . . . 74 Gates r ' ----- 129 Knobs, door... . .13 ’0IfllcoSupplles103 Repair Li Iks. . .126 Spnrk Col terials.. .1. . 74 Baby PiIns... . I II 115 SargaIiIPljying” . 19,2 Bani-zen]; . . . . . .13; Gauntlets; : : : :: 13 Knobs, cover. . 111 I". 011 Cans. .....%1IRihb0anI 1.. - §2E§.§;“T8:§; ' ' 2:; Calls 123.322: 1100 {)2ng 12311111: I I: I149 gseIlaItIinE ....... 123 Lace 4,; gillne‘vflemh II I '13? $522"... ng 33:31:]? I I' I "llg . .. D t‘ Iee “om” ,,,,,,,, . ....... “I "‘-. ..... Biriié 519;??? $0 8§;§§§°SX§:?I . '71: 13333;: .19.": . . . .igi 2:91:91; - Jig fifi‘ifigfgt‘figjfig 8ii§31°8isinih§7fi§§ Swissair; ‘13: Starch... . .153 Vacuum Bottle...117 Bar pinsI ....... 115 Carpet Beater. . _ 112 Dessert Set. ..... 116 (“8835 Cutters ' "135 Lamp Burner-s.. . 95 Oil Stones ....... 135 Rockers. . .76—77—78 Stationery. . . . 96 Varnish Brushes. 141 Barometer ...... 112 Carpet Sweeper.. 74 Desks ......... . 79 Glassware -- - - 94 Lamp Black.. . . .141 Oil Stoves ...... 123 Rocking Horse... . 102 Steamer... . - . .111 Veils ..... . . . . . . 64 Barrel Swing. . . . 112 Cars 3 Tools- - - . 134 Dlnmg . Room Glass TowIelIliIngI ' 60 Lamp Chimneys. _95 Oil Stove Kettles 111 Rolling pins ..... 112- Suamer tops.» . ‘- Vegetable boiler..108 Barrettes ...... 61 Cartridges. . .144 IFurnltul-eIn .88, 91 Gloves Ladies 53 Lamp Heaters. .. 110 OilIers ..... . ..... 110 Roofing.. . . .136—137 Steel Shovel ..... 130 Vegetables, can- _ 3:31."? ~ - - ~ - - . .0. 82:18.31; 13: 31:12:33.9?“ 1.12 mm: Mons: :— 13 L... we..- -- 9. 8'3”." - - ~12? Mimi“ Iii 32999131537912: mi- -------- 152 3.595.911.3911: c... on... .04 Dinner s... : : 1: .92 on... s..... - - - 13 £29231." ~- - - ' 9% ov‘éizoiis-‘iais' . 9332““ “m?“l'ioo shin: visions. BathNOmIMmé, 83 passemles 92 Dinner Pail. . . ..111 $326233” - {3; Latches): I: j '_ I 21 9 . . . .'.,28—2'9—30 Ropo'ir’i'rehl ' '.'. I130 . . .‘. . . . . . 149 Bathr’m Rugs. .. .74 'CEStors-z- 139 Dip?" ------- .- 111 Glyceriner I'I166 Laundry sup'l's.. 154. qurcoats,"rMens. _ Rosaries... ..... . 83 Stocinoods... . . .129 32:29'1‘33'5 .147,148 82:11:22,119-722 11333313???“ . .123 Goggles.. :‘I': : Z : :130 Lang Pencils... “104 OvIeI IhoI . .28—2913g Rosin. . . . . . . . . .11I4 gfiocklsngsn ..... 123 V' t Bay 11%}, °tt°“' 122 cement . II ' 126 II I I I '111 80101 Enamel" "141 Eiirng'léfii‘o I ' ’igé Oveiiroffiihg‘s‘ I I _3 fiii‘fiii’oooii' I I 2 922299.39; II 93 III III Keogh? 107 ...... '.,_..:.-_ . e. -. ha 141 ...I. I na- I' .I ..!'.‘I_ , 1. Q -.l..‘ I.1-.--...o ' Beads, Gold.. . . . 64 Caustic Pencil” .155 . 97 raining com " Leather Be ting.. 13 ' Rubber Heels“... 10 Stove Brushes. .112 Vlollns ......... 114 gean Cfimk. .. . . 93 CIIIIII'lliII'IzlzI 78' 90 91 I32 grggggfigggifibffi Leather Punch... IlI’aIrIlIOck... . . 31111115 EuIlolI‘tIier Cifsleltlngdgg Stove goards.. . .132; giolIin slzowsu . .114 eaver oard... .137 --_ r . . 1 ~ . ......... 126,132 in s.. ....... . u er eves...15 ove craper... . io in rings. ...1 4 139336 ~I80.81.82.83 gfizgsgastsm . _ .133 13:, IcIiIl-leIrIiiIngI ICIaIrIdIsI .13: Leg Bands. Poul- P Iptaigrs. Kym—1.11 gugger Nipples. 155 Sgove Eplish“ . . .135; ginegarjessence. 15:; e asors.....139 TM " tr ...........128 am rus es... u erMsts.;..74 ove lnlng.... inc ar ar.....9 Bedroom Furn'ture Chamber Sets. - - 93 138 gfigfid‘e' ' 'Hg Lemlon reamer.. . 94 Paint Remover. .141 Rubber Rings. . . -94 Stove Pots ...... 123 Vulcgnizer ...... 147 80—87 Chamber Full... .111 Door Stop - . 139 GrindstIoIneIs """ 132 Lemon Squeezer. 110 Pants, babies.. . . 61 Rubber sheeting. 58 Stove Shovels... .123 Bed Spreads... . . 84 Channels Skins...155 Double Bo‘le’E"--1°9 Gracerieslgd 1;,‘155 Letters Aluminum“ Pants, boys ..... 27 Bulls, marabou. . .64 Stove Pipe Enam- Wagon Lamp 'geIIIISpi-ings ..... 82 81,332,133 §$°ks'1133 33322355339333 Gum, chewing. .. 154 {:evelsn . . . . . . . .13; gents,§ror1IrIiIng. .13: £11163... . . . . "721% SIel.I ..... . ..... :3 Wsi'sés' . . 1211;? e mg..........132 e 'n s........ aper aplns... ugs ......... - 005 ---------- " geifi'rMe'fls" . .. 12 glfizgiesegothn .. . 5:1) Brzgfirnilgzllsuh .13: Guns """""" “‘4 Lifgtglrsg .. . . . . . .110 IlI’alIlser hangers 141 Ewing"; . . .I. - .fig $23 £3119“ . - “13?) lels, figgrffi“§g§ 838‘?OIEII1IISIIII 17 Dress Goo5116s 56 57' gacchIew....1gg Ligh Shade... I 95 00 I I I """" 94 gilesfiffiighoeiig St?plIinee;ethill;I.155 gall icsraper. . . .131 Bells, Slei h. . 27 es er ed 'ts. 77 "'1' . . arr 19139“ Linbleumru . 77 Sat t P' s... 61 8‘1“; Ca!85-~- 6’67. a e BellsIIXmEs. 11101 8:91;“!!! (3'er - - 122 Big: ggflgié . . 2:41 HairHéiIiIodec ..... gIlI Liniment. _ g,“ _ . 155 garingPlinil . . 117 Safetyefgazdl-Is .120 guit Cases Straps g; $2:g§:gggm . . . 12’; 1 ”'3 . . s...... ' t t... . _. . ._ ‘t‘ ............. 1 gggzngcrew 1‘22 ChfldreS-s Cliff}: Drled Fruits... . . 1 Hair Restorer... .155 1113;315:359" I 63 fig Piztl-Iy Bgatds. . . 1(1); Eggitary ICloIsIets 13% SlIlltIsI.IgLBdies. - - - ,33 Wardrobe hooks.138 Berry SetIs _ 93 01in ...... 92' ":31 33 3333.11.11.91 12 $3.1m“ ~ - - 4%: Lock Chains.'....'.146 gatgntpmedicines 55 Sell sundries - - - 149 3“?“ 31“?“ ' .1 22 $33 33323:" Iiig Eigfi'mg»; 42‘}. ohié‘oai‘si ‘. 1'. . 1?.135 Dressers. .. . - . .3 82 Handkér'c‘h'iéfsl '1'2-48 £335.ng """ ' "3? 132331.”??? : 2 1% 222?. “£5,st """ 3% s3??? “732.253.! 33 Wash Stands3351-80 Bi‘cyIcle. ' ' 145 Chocolate ....... 150 Drug sundries.. . 155 Hardware, 117, 149 """" ' 47 Pencils. . . . . . . l . 104 Sand paper '''' 139 Sugar Dish ...... 116 Washers, Axle. . .126 Bill Fold.I ' ' ' ' ' 67 Chocolates. ..... 153 Drymz Rack-- - -119 Hammon- - . . 114 153 Pens ...... . .. .104 Sash Fasteners I138 Suspenders... . . - 12 wasmng “Chi” Biscuits...I.I: I. : :150 Chimn y Heater 110 Dust Pan" ' ' ' ' ' 112 fiawess' "1.2412? Iber‘mans Foot- PeYICilcliDu- : - - - 104 Saab WeiIghts-.I.II.I138 Syrup Jars. - ~ 94 es """" ' ' ' ' 118 gig?!“ Jar ______ 116 gaggtmhgvéI Id {3% Egg: Calls ...... 1%: H3355 & Staples..13% L weIhIIIK’ItI _ . . . . 1% geangt blIiIillieIII . .133 Sa’shIIPulleys.. . . . 139 Sweaters .. . 18 agith'gglbs...“ . I163 , a o . .......... ...... e rs . """ Bits l3:%?us).lz 1g: gfi‘i‘tm“ Caldg. 96 gzgfiggmen’s. .132 “no I s . 1 gaggleum. .e.II. . .140 3:333:51??? 1(1)?) Tables. ....... gvvaagglfizbsn . . . Si BlggiseItIsIfII Sp 15133 011322;: . . .9.3I. %%g Earrings . . . . 115 HayICarriIerI.I. :130 M $gzgr3§£iug§ Pgrlfigggieiil'j 123 3:35.55," $133251: 13% ngiemléaggé' 89 WaterISet.I.I. 94 Blanket Pins "127 Clothes Basket. .112 E88 Beaten-11° Having T0015~ . ~ ~30 Machine Oil.149 Photo paste ..... 104 Saw Spix’idles 131 i ....... 116 117 water“ can. - '1“ llgllouses, Ladies: .43 gogges IIIIIIIII 911139 EggE rgatceup'I . .. 133 ggzglgrgfigéh. . 1;? MgclflinaIngh'I 11, 31 ghonographh . . . 107 Saw Vices.. . .II .135 Table Linen” . .I. 58 vazgagfgofirméé. .lég B13335; ; 331311333 Q3323: 1,2,2}; 1%: fix: 3v???“ . . wig HeatingIstovelgé. 123 9321.93: “xiii?” giigfissigogg; '. : 1%? Emission: : : 1&3? $292 899.231.: 91% Weldins oomnoong Egiii‘aé‘s‘iinsi35""ilé 81321.” Pm“ " 1113 Eire. seer; : : 1128 sessions..- .1 w finesse ' ' '93 92.3.2232“ “xii? 23235;“ """" 1%? 3332599196953 """"" I I I 7-130 Boat Tank. . . .'L 2149 Closet'.I '. II I I 3 I. 33 E z Preservative128 Hin es. . . .138. 139 Manure (1...,ng I 2130 Picture Prairies'. 83 School shoring; 103 Tacks. .' ........ 139 -127 gallers, (tin). . _ .118 Clolghes Sprayer. 119 giggle“ 'ébba's 64 33:13 :33?“ I I i2 Massage Cream. 155 gicgm'e ¥ldgn . .113 School Bags.. . . . 103 Tack Hammer.. .135 - 13% 333273353??? 53% got} EifizIzz :: :13; son .I. . . .147, 32 98631125332291” $223.31.; " 13% 33:: gigs??? : : fiii 3293:5111: .233 $253721": 2:: : 1133 I ,1 onnets bab' 16 on S ove .. , , .123 e s.I ...... . attoc s 130 le- ni e ....... 116 S ews.. ..... . . .139 Tailors Irons. . . . 119 " ': ' ' ' ' - ' - - - ' Books. . .(. . . .II.IS.I. 101 Coal Tar. ....... 141 Emery Grinder. ' 145 “9': ' """ ' - - 94 Mattress. . . . 85 Pillow Cotton. . . 58 Silew Drivers. . . 136 Talcum Powder 155 Whiting. ~ - - ' - - - 141 Bookcase. 79 Coats Boy...“ 28 31 Emery Wheel... .135 Hog rings. . . . 121 Meat Grinder... .128 pillow Cases..... . 58 Scribblers 103 Talking machineslo7 Wlllmml ~-~-1°3 Boots & ShIoIeIsI " Coats: Men's. .28,’ 31 Embroideriesn -- 48 H0911- - ~131 Measures. tin.. . .110 Pillows. . . . . . . . 84 - Scrub more? ' 112 Tapioca... . 152 Windowphanen - 74 . . ..... 4 5 3‘ :7 8 Confirm . I . . . . . I 22 Emulsions. . . . . . 155 Honey. . 153 Measuring Cups. 94 Pins. . . . .. .. . .‘ ~61 Seals Xmas. . : I101 Tapestry rngsI II 73 Window Shades.. -72 Boot I & I IShIoeI Collar Buttons... 63 Ename'WN‘eu - - .103 HOP” - 153 Measuring Tapes135 Pipes and Tob'col53 SeatsI chair..I I Tams... . . I I I 16 Wire Baskets" ~ -112 Sundries 10 Coat Sweaters Engine Paint. . . .149 Hooks. ...... 139 Meat Saw... .I . . . 117 Pipe Fittings - . 143 I I Tea. . . . I I I I I I 150 Wire Fences... ' 129 Boots (rubber I I 2 . ...... 18 19 52 Engine Supplies..149 Hooks & E es . 51 Mechanic's Tape.135 Pincers. . . 134 TeaIStraliher: I I I 110 Wire gfip' ' ' ' ' ' ' 129 Borax ....... 154 Coats, Ladies.I 32: 37 Envelopes-n - 96 103 Horse b1“. -- - - -124 Medicine Cab't... 79 Pipe. iron. .142 Tea Balls. . . (I? 3110 Wife ”stem-m1,” Bottle Fitting ....155 Coaster Waggon 102 Erasers. ..... . . . 104 Horse Cllp- Memo Book...... 103 Planes .......... 134. .. Tea. Kettles 110 111 Wire rope.. ' - ' - '130 Bottles (water) 155 Cocoa .......... 152 Express Wagons. 102 135“" - - - . 125: 126 Mendets . . . . . . . 110 Plasterers Lime. . 141 Shaft chimes . . 127 Tea pots. . I 93 ere stretchers. - 129 Bootees.... . . I.I 54 Cocoa Mats I 74 Extracts.. . . . . . . 151 Horse Blanket. . . 127 Men’s furnish- Platform Scales..133 Shades window.-. .72 Tea ServiIceI. ' 116 Wood Blocks. . , .149 Boudoir Gaps. I 64 Coffee ...... . 152 Ever-Ready Horse medicine. . 118 in s.. . . ... . . . . 13—23 Playing Cards... 100 Shaft eIndIs ..... 127 Team Harness I 128 W°°d Fine" ' ' . 141 BowI Holders . I 61 Cofiee P017. . . 116 Razor. ' - ' - ' ' 120 HO” support- en's P3718111“... 20 Plumbs and Shaving Brushes 117 Thermometers I I112 W°°l Cards. ' ' ' ' 126 Bowls. . . 793112 Cofiee Steeper 110 9'9“ ~ - - - - - -12. 64 Men’s Hats. . . .. 14. levels .. ...... 134 Shavin soap. . . . 155 Thermos LunIth . W°°‘ G‘°"e’~- -- 53 Boy’s Capil: I. 15 Colendars.. . 111 F a c e Pow- 11°99’35” "=,- ',' "I 54 Men's Overcoats. Pliers... . ....... 128 Shawl traps... . 67 Kit..... . . . . I 1117 w°°159“" ' ' ' " 18 goy’sIHats‘" .2 I . 15 80% 8?“? .155 der ........ 155 53151233321522" 11 MI . . . .' . . . .28—3; giggle: anIlOkSI . .133 Sfiears“ . . . ..... 120 ThIIIread.. . .I.: 64 ¥gngchllleIIerneuI '33 raceets IIIIIII 1 5 0 be... .134 F B k 93112 , ---- en’s a s...... e ves... S eav s.... ..... 149 T imbl ........ 6 . Braces .......... 194 Combs ......... 61 FarmalII7IeIInciI1Ils .e. .129 Hm“ Palm" - - -140 Men's 3“ ts. - 24-25 PWRGHBVGIS- - . .134 SheetiIIng. rubber. .68 ThumbesIcoop. 11(1) wrin-gers'“ ' ' ' ' '119 Brackets. . . . .133'Comiorters..... . . 75 Farm Pumps 42.143 gousfSthe'S--153 Metal Ceiling.....137I Polish. stove... . .154 Sheets... . . . . . 58 Tickling... . . I I I 59 WNW Ptds- .. -103 BrassI Binding. .. 74 Commodes ...... 83 Farm Scales.. . . . 133 HlesehglIId 3:353; Mender..I. . , . . . .110 II"). . h, bIoot ..... 10 Shelf paper... . 104 Tinware. . . . . . . . 110 . YalgILoIcks . , 139 Brassleres. ...... 47 Compass ........ 135 Faucet ......... 148 112 Metal Shmgles....137, P0 llh. silver. . . . 116 shells, shot-gun..144 Tin pails.. . . . . 110 Yarnfi 64 greag Bgard. . . . H2 80mpass Slaw" . . 125 geaéhfir Pillows.. 1g; Hfigii'el‘, bIoIttlIe 155 Baggy/Bum“ 64 ngfioIleIDiggerllgzs gageliShears. . ”1%?! gig Elli). Yeast CIaIkIeIsI I 153 reg ox...... ompoun ee ox IIIIIII ......... ' . mges........‘ in cm. " Bread Knlv ...117 Weldin ......134 F 110 k "”123 Milkiums....... 9 POItDnll. ...... 132 Shirts ts ........ 63 T' . . Bread Makeersn . . 117 Condenseg Milk. 150 Fggd Pnglstls. . . . 128 Infant's boots. 7 Milk Strainer...u.llg Potato Masher. . 110 Shirts, IIMen’s.. 20, 21 TIdIlsssters ....... Bread Trays..... .116 Coping Saw IIIII 135 Felt Footwear. . . 8 Ink II I I . I . . . .103 Milkfihilg... . . . . 11'0 Potato Scoop. . . .130 Skirt marker. . . . 61 Tobacco ........ 153 Breakfast Foods. 151 Condition Pdrs...128 Fence Tools. . . . . 129 Insoles. . . . . . . 10 M11110“ - - .1 49 P0“- ,POtItO‘ - . - 108 Shin Guards... . . 145 Toilet Paper.. . . . 112 Free Breast Pump... . 155 Cork Screws.. . . . 110 Fern Dish. ...... 116 Instruments Mus- Mlxlpz OWE .108 Pets, "on. . . . 110 Shoe Brushes.. . . 112 Toilet Paper hold- , 'gWochos. ....... Ilgi. garnetr BeadIIII461I4I’II giro Place grate.. 13% I leak. IdlII . . . .113 fiolmm 51:: .133 ggthtéléasms$ . . . . 11%) gfiozels“ .. ..... 122 9 er“ ‘3' ........ 112 Delivery rooms... ones ....... , ies... ......... ron an es.... 0 . . coo 0 guns.. 4 oiet oap......154 .

. Brushes... . . . . . .112 Corset Covers... 45 Fla Pole Socket 149 Irons. ........ ..119 Mop-s.. . . .. .112 Pat Scraper. .110 Silks. . . .. . 57 '1‘ ues. . . . . . . .. - °“ g°°ds Brushes lshv'g.) . 120 Cottons... . . . . 59, 60 Flarglnels ....... . 59 Iron Beds. . . . . . . 80 Morris‘ChIirS. . . 78 1’0!; Covers.. - _ - ~111 Silverwar I . 116 nglmBlacksmitMg listed on Brushes, Paint... 141 Corn Meal ..... . 151 F1annellette.. . . . 59 Iron Piping... . . .143 Motor Boat sup- . Poultry Supplles 128 Sinks.. . . . 143 Tools, Carp'trs. .134 Buck Saw ....... 135 Cotton Batting. .601‘ Flashlights.. . . . . 148 Ironing Board. . . 118 plies... . ... . .. .149 ' rintin .Outfit... 100 Sink Strai er.. . . 110 Tools, Grinders.. 135 pages 1 to Buggy Aprons . 74 Cotter Pins... . . .146 Floor Brushes. . . 112 Iron Pots. . . . . . . 110 Motor RIugsI. vI-I . P .I. . . . . . . . 153 Sideboards.. . 88, 89 TOPS, Spinning... .98

Buggy Jack. . .127 Couches. . . ..... 77 Florida Water. . .155 Ivory Toilet Motor 011.. . . . . .1 7 Preserving Jars. .' 94 Sleeve Protectorslo4 Ton s .......... 132 54- . 8 Buggy_Lamps. . . 148 Cream of Tartar. 151 Floor Wax. . . . . .141 Goods.. . . . . . .104 Motor Car Sup- Pudding Pans. . . 108 Slippers. . . .. __9 Tooth Brushes... 155 .__—_————‘