: and butter plates, 12 tea plates, 12 dinner plates, 12 soup plates, 12 ; KTOY BIRDS 1 etc. ; Each.:-...r ................................... D972— 94-Plece Printed Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set in a very pretty co n- ventional pattern, assorted colors. The pieces include 12 cups and saucers, 12 bread fruit saucers or oatmeals, one 10-inch platter, one 14—inch platter, one 9-inch salad bowl, $22 95 one slop bowl, one sauce. boat with stand, two covered dishes. delivered. . - D973— Full 97-PIece Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set; in colors blue or green. Neat Price ............................................................. . $19-95 NOTE THESE LINES AND PRICES ENAMEL Soup and Dinner Plates D-68— Beautiful colored Paper Chicken D88— 10 inch Grey Enamel Soup Plates; Hats that are wonderfully natural and ex- deep centre as cut. 13C Each .............................. tremely popular at chivarari: and// fer- D89—10-inch Grey Enamel Dinner 13° tainments, poultry shows, etc. Plates. Each ....................... Each ........................ Per dozen .................. c; Fish or l E \ D90—Handy Fish or Vegetable Skim- Vegetable mer; 12 inch flat handle; 5 inch skimming Vegetaine/V disc; grey enamel finish. . Skimmer Each ........................... 15¢ Skimmer ' daisy printed pattern. Freight paid. CELLULOID D94-—- Celluloid Floating Swan; often used for baby's bath; finished in bright colors; size 1% x 2 inches. Ea'ch:.' ......................................... 101: Three for ....................................... 25c 1 D95— Assorted Celluloid Animals; finished in nat- ural, colors, including dogs, cows, elephants, deers, tigers, Size 4 inch. 200 Three for .................................. ' ..... 55c ‘ D96— Assorted Celluloid rattles, including stork and_monkeys, nicely finished_and>colored; length 6 inches. Each , Lair/’3? '. ' ., . my Mail‘It/diwrsvzicm m m r WWTNW N 4 . ',I/~ (:5 _ .7 c .1" , ,,/j / ‘ _,. .¢¢ ’ai’rr . ' w »\ tir' i“ \ lime/xi. _ ”WA '. 12 Yds. Tmsel for 29¢ " D1-901—A big value in good quality Silver _Tlnsel, well made on good twisted wire cord: sparkling and bright; good width— twelve yards 29C for .......................................... DR’IS—f-Oil Stove Ket- 12 dozen yards. Extra special. . .‘ ........... $3.25 . . Dl-902—.Special Gold Tinsel; brilliant and 20c tr‘fi’ce Plum tm~ 33c attractive—six yards for .............................. D9 7—10 quart Tin Pans, flaring style; a big value. Each... . . . , . .39c Grey Beauty Pacing Team 1-764— This Grey Beauty Team an?! Wagon is strongly built; body paint- Extra Value 12 quart... . . .45c ed red, wheels silvered, horses handsomely dappled, lithograph ed . harness; 900 C moving legs; length 19 ms. PrIce.. D98—Grey Ena- 1.85 mel Pall. 10 qt. (wine measure). Well coated and finished. Each ...... 1-10 Two for ........................... Note Reduced Prices on Fencing, Ranges, Watches and other Lines on Inside Front Cover of Catalog. * EVERYTHING DELIVERED From Page 1 to 64 Of This Catalog See Holman’s $10.00 Free Deliv- ery Offer on all Goods Priced and Illustrated on all Pagesbetween 64 and 160. - 100 Envelopes for 23¢ D92—Number 7 White Wove Business Envelopes, gummed flaps; 100 for. . . .231: “ TURBINE EGG BEATER D93—10% inch Turbine Egg-Beater; whips close to dish; is light running; will not‘spatter»~wben runnin at h‘ h Price ........... g ..... 1.: 50C speed . l \ GALVANIZED Safe and Handy—No Scalds - D786—Here is a popular new style NIckeled Copper Tea Kettle that is extremely up-to-date; S-quart capacity; riveted handle with wood grip; $3 50 hinged side covengPrice . . - WASH BOILER $1.49 D99—Here is right royal value in Galvanized Iron Wash Boilers, complete with galvanized iron cover and handles. Well made and soldered—good mater- {Holman Special .Value Egg 4 Whips D787—— Eire Egg Whip ....... 1c Note Inside Front Cover for ial—a characteristic Holman value. 'Sizes 22% x 12 x ' 13 inches. Limited quantity—Order $1 49 EM" Pnces 0“ Numerous quickly ................................ 0 "‘95-