/ V ,erything on‘l’agos 1 to d! DELIVERED FREE in Maritime Provinses Regardless of Size of Order / Here are two outstanding values in Wicker Baby Carriages. They are well woven and roinforcod, light running, smooth riding and comfortable. mac Camage: well Wicker lab] Carrlags: woven from selected reed, superior spring construction, rsiaforsed throughout; heavy roll edge on body and easy riding and eomfort- hood, well woven and reinforced able; light running, adjust- throughout; roomy and comfor- able back; upholstered in tabla, adjustable back. uphol- princess cord. Wheels are stered in serviceable repp. 12 inches with i-ineh rub- Wheels 12 inches with 5-inch ber tires. rubber tires. AOIB—N ‘ l solo—Naturslflnish. Freight Finish. r‘.:‘1§f.$25-50 $33; $28. 50 AOII—Brown Oak AOSI—Brown Oak Finish. £2215: ..... ...$25-50 5319?}??? ........ $28.50 A clearing lot of Wicker Carriages, same style as No. A018 and No. A019 but with Stationary Back; while the small lot lasts selling at only ............ $21.95 l For Sprinkling Clothes Plants or . 5 Surface Oak 521¥78~glurmlnun an e er DRlfit—llsy Clothes Shakers, pofisphed ”loyal, m- o-rdinary screw top, satin finish bottle, made from pure centre, loaded bot- :luiiillnurii;d l. riiékl‘es tom; size 21x 1%. as- vveny.a s any or t sprinklini plants. clothes ;¢3ai-irefi.stylos.. . .250 th f ‘ naps... “its: .13c 3:23;??- ,,,,, 35c Frame Aluminum Measuring ~ , SpOons .; DR1Il—Ilgasarlal spoons. 3 siles, ‘ always handy'and convenient. Iriso........“.‘ ................... 25c Alexandria style errors, wood frame in quarter oak finish. Size 7x9. . . ”lie Size 8x10.. . . .75: ' Size-9x12.. . . .SOC Site 5x7. Size 10x17..31.1l5 bize 6x9.. .35: . . [A Size 12x20..81.l30 Size 8x10... . .“c 3 -..p,‘. H Size 14x24..81.00 British Bevel Mxrolzf—Qak Frame D238—An extra uality heavy Brits_h Bevel'nl’late Mirror. with r' solid oak lrame. Size mirror 9 x 12 inches. . .~ ..... .3200 $2.50 D120———S I] II I r e -error, for kit- chen use, neat varnished wood frames. Size 4x6.. . . 18¢ . .451: 0121—8 qu a re' l \, 10xl4inches. Price..............,.......-. DING—Arch Top errors with round corners, oak finish, well made, popular style; backed with 65‘: ’wood. Sizes 8 x 10 inches " 9x12inches... sse 10 x 15 inches. 1.00 12 x 20 inches. $1.50 14 x 24 inches... ' ' L"; _ f. ' ' Dru—Wilts Semi Porcelain Cups and Saucers: a good $1 33 smooth quality for ordinagv use. Six for ............ . .......... ° D679—’-Edge Llne and prlg Cups and Saucers with clover $1 .7 5 leaf pattern, same shape as above, six for ...................... # a» ' t , . A8000~Thie Sisal-Folding GUM-Cart. is made with’flat steel frame, heavy metal tube' handle,- frame I! x 21 inches, 3 bow hoqd with 20-inch spread; back 11 x 14 inches; adjustable to two positions; seat 10‘: 12 inches, covered with genuine fabrjkoid leather; properly tempered flat steel gs. 10 inch wheels with l-inch rubber tires, hub caps nickeled,foot frame oxidized} all other parts in lustrous black ensmél. It is only with the very biggest and closest buying. coupled $9 98 with the smallest possible profits that We are able to name such a low price. . . '. f:-