I ntroduction This history is comprised of the genealogy of the families who have lived in North Tryon . A genealogy is defined as "an account of the descent of a family from an ancestor or ancestors". The families are arranged alphabetically and some of the genealogies begin with a brief family history. The first parents are presented in a paragraph with their birth, death, and marriage dates, burial location, and parent's names where the information was available. Their children are listed in order of birth and a + sign is placed before the name of each child indicating more information for that family line follows below. A series of diamonds separates the generations to assist the reader. Abbreviations have been used: b.-born; d.-died; bur.-buried; cem.-cemetery; m.-married; c- circa, meaning about or approximately. Information sources are listed at the end of each family. Pictures of houses and residents that were available have been included. It has been our endeavour to provide complete and accurate inforĀ¬ mation; however, we realize the text will contain mistakes. Please accept our apology for any inaccuracies. It is our wish that the reader will enjoy this book as much as we have enjoyed writing it and that the information will provide assistance in further genealogical research. North Tryon Historical Association December 1992