Henry moved from North Tryon to the Kensington area.

Henry Bynon and Lucy Walker had 2 children:

Pearl Mabel b. 19 June 1900, d. 19 July 1978, bur. Kensington Peoples Cem., m. John William Thompson, b. 29 Sept 1889, d. 4 Sept 1954, bur. Kensington Peoples Cem., son of John Ready Thompson and Carolyn Maynard. They had 4 children and lived in Kelvin and Margate: Ella m. Herbert Simmons; Keith b. 1925, d. 1987, m. Gladys Moase; Carrie m. Charles Beajrsto; Willard b. 1935 m. Shirley Moase.

John Mabon b. 8July 1903, d. 20 March 1984, bur. Kensington Peoples Cem., m. 1923 Matilda Ramsay, b. 13June 1900, d. 4 Dec 1987, bur. Kensington Peoples Cem., daughter of Thomas L. Ramsay and Fannie MacGougan. Mabon farmed in the Kensington area until 1944, when he moved to Summerside where he worked for the Journal Pioneer. They had no children.


Elizabeth Lizzie b. ljan 1866, d. 24 Aug 1945, bur. Elkhorn, Man., daughter of Horatio Bynon and Sarah Wood, m. 14 Oct 1885 George Hedley Crosby, b. 24 Aug 1864, d. 12 March 1950, bur. Elkhorn, Man., son of George Crosby and Ann Wright, Central Bedeque.

Lizzie and Hedley lived in Elkhorn, Manitoba.

Lizzie Bynon and Hedley Crosby had 2 children: Annie Ella b. 20June 1889, d. 14 Aug 1913, a teacher in Manitoba,

not married. Wilbur Walter b. 13 May 1893, d. 1 Feb 1941, In. Eva Wadman

Davison. Q

Adinah b. 18 Nov 1870, d. 3 Aug 1916, bur. Edson Cem., Lowell, Mass., daughter of Horatio Bynon and Sarah Wood, m. William Donald Wright Large, b. 22 March 1869, d. 16 Nov 1952, bur. Edson Cem.,

Lowell, Mass.. Adinah and William lived in Lowell, Mass..

Adinah Bynon and William Large had 3 children: Eva May b. 1896, d. 1966, m. Francis 0. Button. Howard Ivan b. 1897, m. Anna Bertha Roth. Ethel Blanche b. 1900, d. 1902.


Samuel Walter b. 1 May 1879, d. 1970, bur. Pasadena, California, son of Horatio Bynon and Sarah Wood, m. 21 Aug 1801 Catherine Ellen Cork, b. 1876, d. 8 May 1940.