Samuel Bynon and Catherine Cork had 3 children: Mabel b. 1902, m. Willard Nicholas . Ruth b. 1906, m. Bartlett White. Olive b. 1913, m. Ralph Marple . Sources: Baptismal Records; Census; Mildred Clark research; Wil ¬ lard Thompson; Tryon United Baptist Church Records. f aims Family John Cairns d. 30 June 1942, age 71, bur. Presbyterian Cem., son of James Cairns and Letitia Waddell , 1st. m. Jessie Strang , daughter of Lizzie Strang ; 2nd. m. Ella Mae Leard , b. Augustine Cove , d.c. 1917, killed when hit by a train, bur. California . John and Jessie lived in Middleton. John Cairns and Jessie Strang had 7 children: Jennie Brown b. 12 Sept 1893, d. 7 Feb 1973, bur. Presbyterian Cem., never married. +JohnA7/redb. 30 Jan 1895. Violet b. 25 Dec 1895, d. 31 Apr 1989, bur. Peoples Cem., m. Russell Hillus Rodd, b. 1895, d. 16 Jan 1942, bur. Charlotte - town Peoples Cem., son of William E. Rodd , Charlottetown . They lived in Charlottetown and had 3 children: Inez; Wilber; Roddie. James Walter b. 1897, d. 1920, bur. Peoples Cem., perished while rescuing a child from drowning. Charles d. as a young man. Ethel d. in childhood. Louis Wilber d. in infancy. John Cairns and Ella Mae Leard , his second wife, had 1 child: +WHberJohn b. , Calif. , 12 July 1911. John Alfred b. 30 Jan 1895, d. 30 Dec 1970, bur. Presbyterian Cem., son of John Cairns and Jessie Strang , m. Zena Blanche Leard , b. 1889, d. 5 Aug 1989, bur. Presbyterian Cem., daughter of Smith Leard and Celia Wood . Alfred moved to Tryon to work for Asher Howatt 's father. Alfred served in both World Wars, and when he returned from the second war he purchased the Charles Ives ' farm under the Soldier's Setdement Plan. Alfred farmed with his sons, Ira and Hillus . The farm was divided between the boys when Alfred retired.