Margaret Ann b. 15 March 1945, m. Allison Sherren. See Lefurgey history.
Raymond Victor b. 29 Sept 1946, m. Oct 1966 Gail Abbot, Toronto.
John Franklin Frank b. 15 Jan 1948, m. 30 Apr 1969 Bonnie Trafford, Toronto.
Sources: Baptismal Records; Census; Hillus Cairns; Margaret Fall; Thelma Cairns.
Callbeck Family
The following story, taken from My Island, My People by Lorne Callbeck, relates the beginning of the Callbeck family at Tryon, the forebearers of all Island Callbecks:
Catharine Morris, a young woman of Halifax, gave birth to a son on the 8 Sept 1 771. She named the boy Philips after his father, Philips, the first Attorney General of Prince Edward Island, and later Governor.
In the spring of 1 792, Catharine ’s son came to Prince Edward Island. He was not welcomed with open arms by his half-brothers and half-sisters, nor by Philips’ widow, Anne Callbeck, all of whom were of the opinion that he should go through his earthly existance under the name of Philips Morris. He, on his part, was just as insistent that his name should be lengthened by the addition of the surname Callbeck. His obstinacy on this delicate point of nomenclature remained steadfast and Philips Morris Callbeck became the ancestor of all the Callbecks, both the proud and the humble, that lived on this Island since 1 792.
Philips Morris Callbeck settled on one hundred acres of land granted to him by his father, Captain Philips Callbeck. This land was not far from the Aboiteau Bridge at Tryon and on the road that leads from the Tryon United Church to Victoria.
Catharine Morris did not accompany her son to Prince Edward Island but came here later, probably near the close of her life, to spend her last days with him. These facts were apparent from her will and from records in the Bible of her son.
This Callbeck Bible was presented by Lorne Callbeck to the Tryon United Baptist Church. Philips Morris Callbeck’s obituary read:
Died- On Sat last at Tryon, much regretted by his numerous friends and acquaintances aged 84 years. Mr. Callbeck was for many years the Senior Magistrate for Prince County and has always sustained a character of probiety and kindness of disposition.
Philips Morris Callbeck b. Halifax, 8 Sept 1771, d. 25Jan 1856, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem., son of Philips Callbeck and Catharine Morris, m. July 1792 Ann Nancy Warren, b. 11 Sept 1775, d. 14 Aug 1851, bur.