Jeannie, Ruth, Michael, Gordon Cutcliffe . Ruth Cutcliffe Collection . Callbeck sold the house to James Chisholm who moved it from the Crossroad to its present site. Mr. Chisholm sold this house to James Arbing in 1900, but because there was a boundary line dispute between Jim Arbing and Jim Chisholm , Mr. Arbing sold the property to Gordon and Bella Hudson. Elmer and Lila Gamble purchased the house in 1922 and lived there until 1930 when Frank and Bell Dixon bought the house. Gordon and Ruth Cutcliffe purchased the house from Frank Dixon in 1959. When renovating in 1960, the Cutcliffes discovered the house was constructed with hand hewn timbers, each one foot square and held together with wooden pegs. Their renovations left these timbers undisĀ¬ turbed. Gordon was a superintendent for a road contractor, Curran and Briggs, and active until a short time before his early death from cancer. Ruth has a secretarial position with the same company. Gordon and Ruth attended the North Tryon Presbyterian Church. Ruth was a member of the North Tryon Women's Institute and Gordon took an active part in sports. Besides being an avid hockey player, Gordon spent many hours coaching minor hockey at the Arena. Both Ruth and Gordon were competitive curlers. Gordon Cutcliffe and Ruth Thomson had two children: Michael Wayne b. 28 Aug 1961, not married. + Jeanne Diane b. 2 March 1964. 47