Thomas and Mac Dawson house. Don Duncan Collection.

George Dawson and Caroline Rogers had 16 children:

Melvin Stanley b. 24 Feb 1930, 1st. m. Catherine Isabel] Landry, b. 11 March 1937, daughter of Daniel Landry and Sadie Casey. They lived in Truro and had 4 childrenzjudith Elizabeth; Donna Marie; Gail Adele; Daniel Melvin. Melvin 2nd. m. Irene Gaudet, b. 10 Sept 1927. They had no children.

Audrey Della b. 9 Apr 1931, in. Gordon Cooper, b. 23 Apr 1930, d. 15 Aug 1985, bur. Clifton Memorial Cem.. They lived in Southport and had 7 children: Carolyn Ann; Gordon Dawson; David Paul;Janice Lynn; Brenda Darlene; George Fulton; Marlyn Diane.

Thomas Arthur b. 11 Oct 1932, m. 2 Sept 1967 Janet Elizabeth Williams, b. 18 June 1943, daughter of Jack Williams. They live in Ontario and had no children.

Carl Morgan b. 6 May 1934, m. Barbara Marshall, b. 31 Dec 1933. They live in Charlottetown and had 6 children: Patricia Carolyn; Coleen Barbara; Carl Allen; Carol Marie; Cheryl Ann;John Darren.

Verna Muriel b. 15 Sept 1935, lst. m. Lucien Provincial. They had 2 children: Vernon Thomas Lucien; Inez Myrtle. Verna 2nd. m. Daniel Lloyd, b. 8 Dec 1936. They had 6 children: Robert Edwin;]ohn Patrick; Robin Bruce; Michael Stewart; Daniel Angus; TerIyJoe.

George Eric b. 8 May 1937. Not married.

Ruth Elaine b. 6Jan 1940, lst. m. Kenneth Carter. They lived in Debert, NS, and had 6 children: Donna Ruth; David Kenneth; James Paul; Allan Daniel;]anet Elizabeth; Shelley Lynn. Ruth 2nd. 111. Kenneth Arthur Spence, b. 22Jan 1947. They had 1 child: TammyJoe.

Hillus Wyman b. 24 March 1941, lst. m. Donna Andreas, b. 29 Nov