the concourse of people pre- sent that it was necessary to

remove the remains out- doors in order to allow those who desired an oppor- tunity to view them, while upwards of 150 teams fol- lowed them to their last resting men the star- tling and sudden death of Mr. Delaney the commu- nity has received a severe shock that they will not readily forget. Arising early in the morning of the 19th inst. apparently in perfect physical health, he drove from his home to Al- bany and return. That same afternoon, suddenly seized with a stroke of that dread disease appoplexy he Michael Clark Delaney. Ida Heart: Collection. lingered but a few short

hours—thus reminding us that “In the midst of our life we are in death”. Mr. Delaney will be greatly missed in the community. His cheerful greeting and his prompt and ever ready hand to aid the needy cannot easily be replaced. To the bereaved widow and children go out the sympathy of the community and though a fond and loving husband and trusting parent has been “Called Home ’1 they are comforted with the assurance that the active life he spent in successful honest effort and faithful toils has at last been crowned by the Master’s “Well Done”.

In early li e, Michael started in business in North T ryon and was continu- ously prosperous, later taking his two sons into partnership in the fine merchantile business now carried on under the style of Messrs. Delaney 59‘" Sons. He was a staunch Conservative in politics and a prominent member of the Baptist Church. After being defeated several times at general local elections, he was returned at the bye election of 1909 and re-elected in 1911. He was defeated at the last general election by Mr. W.M Lea, the present able representative of the Fourth District.

Michael Delaney and Alta Robinson had 8 children:

+Annie E. b. 1872.

Martha Agnes b. 7 March 1874, m. Bert Dawson. See Dawson history.

+Carrie Adelaide b. 16 Oct 1877.

+Eliza Isabel Tizie b. 31 Aug 1880.