Parker and Minnie Delaney house. Hazel Robinson . Packers Fertilizer Division, Summerside . Helena Delaney and Charles Arsenault had 1 child: Preston Leo Elmer b. 23 March 1939, m. 10 Sept 1960 Shirley Laschuck. They live in Winnipeg and had 3 children: Chari b. 5 Apr 1961; Cindy b. 10 July 1966; Darren b. 15 Sept 1972. Helena Delaney and her 2nd. husband, Eric Trowsdale , had 2 children: Carol Ann b. 24 Jan 1950, d. 19 May 1984, bur. Floral Hills , m. Ronald Howatt , Carleton Siding . They had no children. Joy Delaney b. 26 Apr 1956, m. Everett Moase . They had 2 children: Curtis b. 14 Nov 1981; Megan b. 24 May 1984. ThomasElmer/oeb. lOSept 1918,d. 18Aug 1967,bur.NorthTryon Presbyterian Cem., son of Parker Delaney and Minnie MacNeil , m. Mary Pearl Arsenault . Joe and Mary lived in Summerside where Joe was in the Canadian Forces. Joe Delaney and Mary Arsenault had 2 children: Isabella Deanna . Debra. . 93