died at age 33. The dreaded killer at that time was consumption and Alfred Duncan was one of the numerous victims. Another tragedy happened shortly after Alfred’s death, the youngest child, Lulu Etta, fell off the cliffs while playing, and was drowned.

The 1891 census lists Charlotte, widow, head of a household of 4 children. Her mother-in-law, Isabella, a widow and tailoress, lived with the family. They were Baptists. It appears that Charlotte Duncan continued to work as a nurse and, in pursuit of such opportunities, travelled as far away as SaintJohn, NBrwhere this small family resided for a short time. She eventually married Charles Groggett. See Groggett


Alfred Duncan and Charlotte Strang had 4 children:

Elsie Mae b. 17July 1883, m. Thomas Orrien Dawson. See Dawson history.

+Jutson Solomon Jut b. 28 Jan 1885.

+Bella b. 1886. Lulu Etta b.c. 1887, drowned when three or four years old.

Jutson Solomon Jut b. 28 Jan 1885, d. 9 May 1948, bur. Lakeview

Cem., Midland, Ont., son of Alfred Duncan and Charlotte Strang, m. 17 Sept 1912 Millie Phil-

lips, b. 26 Sept 1891, d. 12 Aug 1968, bur. Lakeview Cem., Mid— land, Ont..

Jutson began his working life at about 13 years of age, when out of economic necessity and with almost no for- mal schooling, he set out into the world, working first as a lum— betjack in Maine, and eventually working for the Bangor and Aroos— took Railway as a fire- man.

Jut, upon hearing of the building of the CPR, migrated to Toronto in 1906 where he secured a job and spent the re- mainder of his working

Jut Duncan, Charlotte Duncan Croggett, Mae Dawson. Don Duncan Collection.