afternoons entertaining himself. Photography interested him as well, and he learned the process of developing and printing; deriving a great amount of pleasure and satisfaction in his work.
The turning point in Alfred’s life came when he was about thirty-five years Old- his father died. That morning Alfred made a public appearance for the first time. Sheldon Dixon, who called to offer to help Mrs. Groggett, was startled and surprised to have this chap bolt through the doorway and with an outstretched hand abruptly say “Hello”.
Alfred became a public figure from that time on. He learned to drive a car, attended church and rink meetings, and generally enjoyed being part of the community. His garden was perhaps not as neat and tidy as it formerly had been, but it was still his biggest interest.
Alfred was a witty man, but also very “short in the grain”. He continued to farm until ill health forced him to retire in 1968. Alfred sold his farm to Eric Craig. His house has been demolished and Deborah and Windsor Wight ’s house stands on the site in 1992.
Sources: Baptismal Records; Census; Leard History; Sheldon Dixon; 1973 North Tryon History; Don Duncan.
jiarris Family
James Harris b. Belfast, Ireland, 1793, d. 1873, bur. Toronto, m. Fidelia Ketchum, b. 1805, d. after 1873, bur. Toronto, daughter ofJesse Ketchum and Ann Love.
James and his brother John emigrated to Upper Canada in 1820. James was the first settled Presbyterian minister in Knox Church, Toronto, where he preached for 25 years, until 1845.James was noted for his gentle piety.
James Harris and Fidelia Ketchum had 5 children:
Ann m. Mr. Wickson. They lived in Toronto.
Charlotte m. Mr. Goldsmith. They lived in Toronto.
+Jesse Ketchum b. 5 May 1833.
Emma m. William Lawrence. They lived in Toronto and had no children.
Emily, an unclaimed blessing.
Jesse Ketchum b. 5 May 1833, d. 1910, bur. Necropolis Cem., Toronto, son ofJames Harris and Fidelia Ketchum, In. Sarah Ann Boyd, b. 28 Nov P, d. 1921, bur. Toronto.
Jesse was a rentalsman and Sarah was a dressmaker in Toronto. Sarah died after being hit by a Toronto streetcar.