Ham's family: Back row: Craig, Patricia, Marion,Jim, Stephen, Andrew. Front row: Ellen, Scott, Matthew, Bethany. jim Harrix Collection.

CraigJames Ketchum b. 22 Sept 1979. Ellen Marion b. 24 Sept 1981.

Stephen Alexander b. 26 May 1983. Andrew Eric b. 7 March 1985.

David Scott b. 18 Aug 1986.

Bethany Lynne b. 25 Nov 1987. Matthew Lester Laird b. 16 March 1989. Patricia Carla b. 4 Sept 1990.

Sourceszjim Harris.

Hatley Family

John be. 1815, Belfast, Ireland, d. 1896, bur. North Tryon Presby- terian Cem., m. Jane Armstrong, b. Belfast Ireland, bur. North Tryon

Presbyterian Cem.. John left Belfast, Ireland, in 1839, where he had worked in the linen

mills. He settled in Kelly’s Cross and was joined by his wife and two sons sixteen years later. John’s descendents spell their name Hatley, Hately,

and Heatly.

John Hatley andJane Armstrong had 3 sons: +John b. Belfast, Ireland, 1835.