the produce of the farm, and 32 bushels of potatoes, and 100 weight of pork and to cut and have firewood sufficient, and to keep one milk cow which shall return to my son Peter with the rest of the stock. Also to my daughter Barbara one milk cow as soon as she is married and three pounds ofBohea Tea, and 30 weight of sugar that is maple or brown and to my wife 5 pounds of wool and 1 paper of pins. Registered Land Office Robert Hancock 24 Aug 1811 at nine o 'clock James Boswell (Executors) in the morning. James Howat and Margaret Symon (d) had 6 children: John bap. 30 July 1760. James bap. 2 Jan 1762. Jean bap. 8 March 1763. Isabel bap. 22 March 1769, d. 29 Feb 1844, m. 3 May 1798, James Gregor /MacGregor. They lived in Covehead . + James II b. 30 June 1771. Peter b. 1777, d. 13 May 1836, 1st. m. Widow Catherine Vallier Pollard; 2nd. m. 7 Jan 1833 Widow Harriet Grosvenor Wadman, b. 26 Apr 1781, d. 1862. They lived in Augustine Cove . Peter had 7 Pollard stepchildren, 11 Wadman stepchildren, and 5 children of his own. When Peter married each of these widows, he also assumed any debts left by their husbands, unless the widow married wearing only one garment. At that time women wore many garments, and to wear only one was not considered appropriate. Widow Pollard 's debts were a concern to Peter, so when the ceremony uniting this couple was performed, Catherine Pollard stood behind a dressing screen in a one piece chemise, thus leaving her deceased husband's debts behind. James Howatt and his second wife, Widow Mutard , had 2 children: Barbara b. 1782, d. 25 May 1860, bur. Lower Bedeque , m. as his 2nd. wife James Cole , b. 22 Apr 1792, d. 22 Feb 1873, bur. Lower Bedeque Cem.. Adam b. 1783, d. 23 Nov 1871, bur. Cape Traverse Church of Scotland Cem., 1st. m. 1805 Eunice Buell ; 2nd. m. 1820 Ann Stagman ; 3rd. m. Clementina Marie Clemmie Robinson, b. Charlottetown , 16 Sept 1811, d. after 1871. Adam lived in Augustine Cove , and had 26 children. James II b. 30June 1771, d. 13June 1846, son ofjames Howatt and Margaret Symon (d), 1st. m. 7 Apr 1794 Ellen Miller ; 2nd. m. 17 May 1838 Grace Beote /Beatie. James Howatt II and Ellen Miller had 8 children: John b. 22 Apr 1795, d. 13 May 1861, bur. Peoples Cem., m. 15 Feb 1819 Mary Dawson , b. 11 Apr 1802, d. 6 May 1862, bur. Peoples Cem., daughter of Colonel Thomas Dawson and Elizabeth Tait . 134