Alan Vernon b. 16 -- March 1960, son of Vernon Inman and Thelma Willis, m. 21 July 1989 Sandra Lee Muttart, b. 24 June 1964, daughter of Harold Muttart and Norma Small.

Alan 'graduated from NSAC in 1980. He and Sandra built a ~ house on the home farm. They attend the Tryon United Church.

Alan Inman and Sandra Muttart had 1 child:

Tyler Alan b. lljune 1990.


Lorne Archibald b. 2 Dec 1931, son of Ernest Inman and Ruth Fall, In. 13 March 1954 AudreyJean Cudmore, b. 23 Nov 1938, daughter of Charles Wright and Nettie Cudmore.

Audrey lived with her grandparents, Harry Cudmore and Florence

Alan, Tyler, Sandra Inman. Alan Inman Collection.

Linda, Vaughn, Kevin, Audrey, Lorne Inman. Lome Inman Collection.