Lorne and Audrey Inman house. Hazel Robinson.

MacLeod, Crapaud. Lorne and Audrey purchased the Russell Mabey farm and house in 1955 where they raised beef cattle and grew potatoes. Lorne retired in 1990 and sold his farm to his brother Vernon, and to MacDonald Bros. of Augustine Cove. Audrey is a weaver and has a studio in their home, Country View Weaving. Audrey was a member of the North Tryon Women’s Institute and is an active member of the PEI Arts Council. Both Lorne and Audrey are members of the Crapaud Community Curling Club and the Tryon United Church.

Lorne Inman and Audrey Cudmore had 3 children:

+Vaughn Dennis b. 24 Aug 1954.

+Linda Ruth b. 9 May 1956.

Kevin Lorne b. 2 May 1965, lives in Calgary where he is a heavy duty


Vaughn Dennis, B.Sc. Eng, b. 24 Aug 1954, son of Lorne Inman and Audrey Cudmore, m. 26june 1983 Dixie Lynn Gommerman, b. 15 Dec 1955, daughter of Adam and Mac Gommerman of Calgary Alta..

Vaughn and Dixie are based in Calgary where Vaughn is a civil engineer with Nova Corp. They are living in Malaysia in 1992, where

Vaughn is managing engineer for the construction of a pipeline from Kuela, Lompur, to the Thailand border.

Vaughn Inman and Dixie Gommerman had 3 children: Lisa Gayle b. 5_]une 1984. Stephen Tyler b. 27 Feb 1987.