Cem., daughter ofWilliamJohn Wood and Margaret Enman. See Wood history.

Thomas was a farmer and a miller, he operated a grist mill, and a saw mill at North Tryon. Thomas left the saw mill to his oldest son, George, and the farm and the grist mill to son Charles.

Thomas Ives and Mary Jane Wood had 10 children:

+George b. 27 May 1851.

+SarahJane b. 7Jan 1853.

+Elizabeth Tait Bessie b. 4 Feb 1855.

Frances Ann b. 12 March 1857, d. 26 June 1871, appendicitis, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem..

+Comelius Howatt b. 14 March 1859.

+Oliver Edward b. 20 Apr 1861.

+Isaac b. 26 Feb 1863.

+Charles William b. 1 May 1869.

+Georgina Bateman b. 10 Feb 1871.

Ida Dawson b. 5 Feb 1876, m._]oseph]ohn]0e Malone. See Malone


George b. 27 May 1851, d. 24 Sept 1933, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem., son of Thomas Ives and Mary Jane Wood, m. 1 Sept 1877, his 2nd. cousin, Frances Charlotte Dawson, b. 18June 1853, d. 14 May 1927, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem., daughter of Thomas The Good Dawson and Elizabeth Leard. See Dawson history.

George expanded his father’s saw mill in North Tryon addin a sash

Four generations: George,John, Hope, MaryJane Ives. Adelaide Wood collection.