and door factory, and a moulding machine. Be¬ sides being a miller, George was a farmer. He built a one and one half story frame dwell¬ ing in 1874 on the northwest corner of the and the road leading to . A back kitchen was added to the house to accommodate the serving of meals to the numerous farmers who came long distances to have mill work done, as well as the hired hands who helped on the farm. This part of the house also had two up¬ stairs rooms used as sleeping accommoda¬ tions for hired help. When George Ives died in 1933, the saw mill was taken over by his son, Everett, who returned from Sydney, NS. George and Charlotte were members of the Tryon United Church. George Ives and Charlotte Dawson had 4 children: + Everett Dawson b. 7 Apr 1878. + John Leard Dawson b. 1 Jan 1882. Adelaide Ann b. 15 Feb 1883, d. 8 Dec 1894, bur. Peoples Cem.. + Bruce Benjamin b. 14 Oct 1886. Mrs. George Ives and son Bruce. Frances Roberts Collection . Everett Dawson b. 7 Apr 1878, d. 16June 1961, bur. Peoples Cem., son of George Ives and Charlotte Dawson , m. 22 Dec 1903 Mary Catherine Molly Annear , b. Montague, 2 May 1885, d. 4June 1948, bur. Peoples Cem., daughter of John Annear and Mary MacDonald . When Everett and Molly returned to North Tryon from Sydney, NS, the activities in the house continued. The mill was in operation; farmers visited the mill; and hired farm workers still needed food and accom¬ modation. These activities changed in 1947. Farmers were now more 157