mobile and modern equipment reduced the number of hired men needed to work on the farm and in the mill. The back kitchen, no longer needed, was removed from the house and sold to Tommy Dawson. Later this building was sold again and moved to Tryon where it became the residence of Dorothy Taylor . The carriage house on the Ives' property that had been used to store the wagons used to transport the lumber to and from the steamers docked in Victoria became a garage for George Ives ' Model T Ford , then it housed the vehicles of Everett Ives and Charles Roberts . It gave way for show horses and dalmatian dogs raised by Diane Roberts of the fourth generation, and finally housed poultry and kitty cats enjoyed by the fifth generation when they visited the farm. It was demolished in 1990. Molly was a member of the North Tryon Women's Institute, and Molly and Everett were members of the Tryon United Church. Everett Ives and Molly Annear had 2 children: + George Everett b. Worchester, Mass. , 2 March 1912. Frances Charlotte b. Sydney, NS, 29 Jan 1921, m. Charles Roberts . See Roberts history. George Everett b. 2 March 1912, son of Everett Ives and Molly L to R: Bruce, Everett, John Ives . Frances Roberts Collection . 158