Otto and Margaretjohnson house. Ron johmon Collection.

+James Hensen Deane b. 7 Dec 1936.

+June Carol b. 29July 1940.

+William Ronald b. 3 Dec 1941. +Gordon Howard b. 2 March 1944.

James Hensen Deane b. 7 Dec 1936, son of OttoJohnson and Margaret Callbeck, m. 1 Aug 1964 Gayle Marjorie Bishop, b. 30 June 1946, daughter of Arthur Bishop and Marjorie Roberts.

Deane and Gayle live New Haven and Deane is a trans— port driver.

Deane Johnson and Gayle Bishop had 2 children:

Deana Marie b. 8 May 1969. Deana has 1 child: Travis Robert b. 1 Aug 1990.

Robert Arthur b. 13 June 1970.


Back: Deanejohnson, Gayle. Front: Deana, Robert. Ron Johnson Collection.