Mittart Family
Balthazar Mautarde b. 1738, Stembach, Diocese of Strasbourg, Alsace, d.June 1784, was a soldier of the Seven Years’ War and fought under Wolfe at Louisbourg and Quebec. Balthazar is believed to have been a member of Holland’s Prince Edward Island survey party in 176465. He returned with Holland in 1768 to settle at Tryon in the Aboiteau area where a number of his large family was born. Balthazar joined as a private when the Company of Saint John Volunteers was organized. He drew provisions and carried out the duties assigned to him, with frequent and lengthy furloughs at Tryon. When it was decided to disband the company, word was sent to all members to report for discharge at the last muster which was set for the 12th of June 1784. Balthazar and others immediately left by boat from Muddy Cove to go to Charlottetown to get their discharge and the 100 acre grant of land to which they were each entitled. The boat carrying the men was swamped not far from shore by a strong southwest wind and they were all drowned. Balthazar’s destitute widow and family did not receive the land promised. Seven of the children were girls, which at that time was not considered a good thing. However they were strong girls, able to cut and haul trees to the mill, as well as clear the land around the stumps for cattle, horses, sheep, and pigs. The family was able to survive through their toil. The widow marriedJames Howatt, a widower, and they settled on the land now known as the Howatt’s Fruit Farm at Tryon. Balthazar is thought to be buried on Everett Howatt’s farm. See Howatt history. Throught the years the name Mautarde has had several spell- ings and today it is written Muttart.
Balthazar Mutard and Marguerite Holleri had 10 or 11 children:
Theresa m. 1784 David MacWilliams.
Sophia m. Alex MacInnis.
Margaret b.c. 1778, d. 16 May 1836, m. William Clark, be. 1758, d. 11 Apr 1855, bur. Cape Traverse United Church Cem..
Morlin m. 1788jeremiah Connell/ Campbell.
Catherine m. 1788 Nathan Noys/ Noyes, Bedec.
Magdalen lst. m. Augustus Kilcash; 2nd. 111. 1797 Peter Climate.
Mary in. Mr. MacNeil.
+Ceorge b. 21Jan 1776.
Louis m. Elizabeth Cockburn and moved to Canada and later Michigan.
John m. Mary MacInnis and moved to Upper Canada.
George Mortart b. 21 Jan 1776, d. 21Jan 1844, bur. Cape Traverse United Cem., son of Balthazar Mutard and Marguerite Holleri, m. 1797