Louise Muttart MacKenzie and daughter Tamara. Wen- dell Muttart Collection.
ewsome Family
Among the early PEI settlers was Samuel Newsom/Newsome/Newson, who sailed with his wife and family from Hull, England. They settled on one hundred acres of land in Crapaud.
Samuel and Mary Newsom had 9 children:
Samuel b. 1807, d. 11 Sept 1884, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem., m. by license issued 31 Aug 1831 Mary Ann Callbeck, b. 5July 1811, d. 18_]uly 1893, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem., daughter of Philips Morris Callbeck and Ann Warren. They had 9 children. Samuel was a blacksmith in Crapaud. They were members of the Tryon Baptist church. See Call-
beck history.
+George be. 1812.
James b. 6June 1822, d. 20 May 1878, bur. Westmoreland Baptist, in. 25 Dec 1844 Anne Nancy Warren, d. 28 Nov 1908, bur. Westmore— land Baptist Cem., daughter of Joseph Warren and Ann Pollard. They lived in Westmoreland and had 11 children.
Henry Gouldrup b. 27 Dec 1824, d. 25 Aug 1870, bur. Crapaud Cem., m. 13July 1850 Maria Callbeck, b. Charlottetown 1829, d. 1874. They lived in Crapaud and had 7 children.
Caroline or Mary (1. 31 Aug 1872, m. William Platts, a miller, d. 28 March 1869, bur. Crapaud Cem..
Elizabeth 1st. m. 26 March 1835 Richard Best, b. 1810, d. 1847, bur.