buck for Nova Scotia. Dissatisfied with conditions in Shelburne, Nova Scotia, they again set sail with 25 others for the Isle de SaintJean. They probably felt somewhat dismayed and heavy-hearted when they arrived in Charlottetown in November and found 4 buildings, a few sheds, and little food or shelter. The sloop Stag which brought them, offered to take them back, but for whatever reason, they decided to stay. Joseph followed his occupation of gunsmith and blacksmith in Charlottetown, and also dealt in real estate. He died at the home of his son, Thomas, at Brighton Lodge.
Joseph Robinson and Mary Smith. had 10 children:
Hercules b. NewJersey, 1774, d. from epilepsy 8July 1779, bur. New York.
Thomas b. NewJersey, 1775, d. May 1849.
Ann Nancy b. NY City, 7July 1778, bur. Spurgeon Warren’s Field, North River, In. 6 Nov 1796 William Warren, b. 1774, d. 1858, bur. Spurgeon Warren’s field, North River, son of William Warren andJane Gouldrup . They had 9 children.
William b. NY City, 1780, d. young, bur. NY City.
Jane b. NY City, 18 Dec 1782, (1. young, bur. NY City.
Maryb. probably Charlottetown, 1784/85, d. 25 Aug 1848, bur. Elm Avenue Cem., m. 22June 1805 Samuel Nelson, b. 1776, d. 13 Sept 1866, bur. Elm Avenue Cem.. They had 12 children.
+Joseph b. Charlottetown, 23 Dec 1786.
Catherine Rhene b. Charlottetown, 23 Apr 1789, (1. young.
John b. 9June 1791, d. 1 Dec 1853, m. 3 March 1816 Elizabeth Moore, daughter of Dr. David Moore and Elizabeth Essex. John pur- chased what was known as Robinson’s Island where his descendents lived until 1937, when the Island was sold to become part of the National Park. They had 14 children.
Elizabeth b. Charlottetown, 6 March 1794, d. 2 Sept 1818, m. 16 June 1812 ThomasJones. They had 1 child.
Joseph b. 23 Dec 1786, d. 21 Aug 1874, bur. most likely Tryon Peoples Cem., son of Joseph Robinson and Mary Smith, m.c. 1810 Phoebe Foy, bur. most likely Tryon Peoples Cem., daughter ofJohn Foy and Mary Warren.
Joseph and Phoebe settled and farmed at Augustine Cove.
Joseph Robinson and Phoebe Foy had 9 children:
Clementine Maria b. 16 Sept 1811, m. 23 Feb 1847, as his 3rd. wife, Adam Howatt, b. 1783, d. 23 Nov 1871. They lived in Augustine Cove and had 2 children: Thomas b. 19June 1853;James b. 20 Oct 1855.
John William b. Charlottetown, 15 March 1813, d. 14 Apr 1864, bur. Cape Traverse Church of Scotland Cem., m. 20 Oct 1842 Frances Bell