Howatt, daughter of Adam Howatt. They had 5 or 6 children, 4 or 5 died in the diptheria epidemic of 1860. Joseph Henry b. 19 Feb 1815, d. 25 Jan 1866, bur. Port Hill Cem.,
m. Miss Gamble.
Benjamin De St. Croix b. 11 Nov 1816/17, m.? Martha Polly Lord Howatt, b. 4July 1812, d. 24 March 1899, daughter ofJohn The Elder Lord and Charlotte Gouldrup. Ben and Polly lived back of Augustine Cove. Ben is named in Lorne Callbeck’s My Island, My People as a member of the 4 man ice boat crew at Cape Tonnentine on 10 March 1855 that had a disastrous crossing with the loss of one life. Ben and Polly had at least 4 children: Charlotte m. Theophilus MacWilliams; Flora m. Rev. Wm. Stubbert; Caroline m. Dan Quigley;Joseph m. Annie Stubbert Galley. See Lord history.
Charles Augustus b. 1819, m. Mary Ann Gamble. Charles was a farmer in Lot 28. They had 5 children.
Thomas Tryon b. 1822, d. 1903, In. Sarah Campbell, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem.. They had 2 daughters who died in infancy and 2 sons: Harry b. 1881, d. 27June 1916, while in training in the armed forces, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem.;J0hn Joseph b. 1878, d. 17 Oct 1943, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem., m. Florence Mae Cann, b. 1891, d. 1917, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem..John and Florence had 3 children: Beulah b. 1910, m. Erle Thomson, see Thomson history; John Archibald b. 1911, d. 1970, m. Olive Marion Wood; Vernon b. 1912, d. 1915.
Maria Elizabeth b. 1823, d. 1910. Maria did not marry, lived with Thomas and had 1 child: Ella M. b. 1867.
Jane Foy b. 5 Sept 1827, m.John F. Malone. See Malone history.
+James Windover b. 1833.
James Windover b. 1833, d. 25July 1898, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem., son ofJoseph Robinson and Phoebe F oy, m. his cousin, ElizabethJones Callbeck, b. 16 March 1837/38, d. 17 Feb 1914, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem., daughter of Philips Callbeck and Elizabeth Warren. See Callbeck.
James and Elizabeth lived and farmed at Augustine Cove.
James Robinson and Elizabeth Callbeck had 11 children, 4 of whom died during the diptheria epidemic:
Alice be. 1861, d. Miami, Florida, m. Mr. Dillingham. Alice, 3 member of the Tryon Baptist Church, was excluded from membership 31 March 1879.
George b. 6 Oct 1861, d. from cancer lOJan 1930, bur. Summerside Peoples Cem., m. 19 July 1889 Lucy Waugh. They had 7 children: Brewer m. Ethel Mills; Mae m. Mark Caulder; Jean m. Dr. Stanley Donald; Floyd m. Morley Bell; Lou m. Harrison Bell; Ralph d. 1909 age 4 or 5; Bessie never married.
LucyAnn be 1864, d. from cancer 1915, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem.,