Floral Hills , m. 8 June 1940 Jennie Waddell , b. 28 Sept 1913, d. 9 Oct 1986, bur. Floral Hills . See Waddell history. Charlie and Jennie lived in Charlottetown . Charlie was a salesman for Swifts, travelling around the Island buying cattle from farmers. Charlie Rogerson and Jennie Waddell had 2 children: John Wayne b. 16June 1941, m. Elsie Hamilton . They had 2 children: Angela Dawn b. 17 Apr 1970; Andrea Faye b. July 1974. They live in Cornwall where Wayne is a pharmacist. Faye Lea b. 24 May 1950, m. John Erwin Barrett . They had 1 child: John Connor b. 25 March 1983. Sources: Baptismal Records; Census; Brent Wood research; Evelyn Rogerson ; Maureen Rogerson ; Leah Harvey ; Barbara Clement . \awler Family Earle Sawler b. Kentville , NS, d. 4 Feb 1969, age 72, bur. Cape Traverse Church of Scotland Cem., son of Winthorpe Sawler , m. Mabel Clarke , Cape Traverse , b. 11 June 1901, d. 9 July 1983, bur. Cape Traverse Church of Scotland Cem., daughter of Russell Clarke and Nina Enman . Earle and Mabel lived on the Crossroad in the house formerly owned by Hamilton Leard. Earle was a farmer and Mabel was a nurse. Mabel operated the North Tryon Nursing Home. Mabel was a member of the North Tryon Women's Institute. Earle Sawler and Mabel Clark had 1 child: +Richard b. 10 July 1935. Richard b. 10 July 1935, d. 11 Jan 1969, bur. Peoples Cem., son of Earle Sawler and Mabel Clark , m. 17 Jan 1960 Dolores Smith , b. Wolfville, NS, 11 Feb 1935, daughter of John and Elsie Smith. Richard Sawler and Delores Smith had 1 child: John Richard b. 14 Dec 1960, m. 11 Aug 1984 Michelle Doucette, Sherwood . They had 2 children: Raven Candice b. 2 Nov 1985; Joseph Richard b. 22 Dec 1991. Sources: Delores Sawler ; Earle Sawler Obituary; Richard Sawler Obituary. 302