Agriculture in the

disinfection de- partment for sev- eral years before he retired. Shirley worked at Simmons Restaurant. B o t h are members of the

North Tryon Pres—

byterian Church. Shirley is a Life Member of the North Tryon Wo—

men’s Institute.

Bert Thomson

and Shirley Tho-

mas had 4 chil- dren:

+Brian Ber- tram b. 1 March 1948.

+Shirley Dawn b. 20 Feb 1951.

L to R, back: Nancy, Bert, Dawn. Front: Paul, Shirley, Brian Thomson. Bert Thomson Collection.

+Nancy Elizabeth b. 16 Feb 1955. +Paul Reginald b. 19Jan 1957.

Brian Bertram b. 1 March 1948, son of Bert Thomson and Shirley Thomas, In. 14 Oct 1972 Cheryl Gail Conrad, b. Halifax, 2 Sept 1947, daughter of Wilson Conrad and Charlotte Furlotte.

Brian and Cheryl live in Montague where Brian is a technician with the provincial Department of Agriculture and Cheryl works at the Bank of Nova Scotia, Montague.

Brian Thomson and Cheryl Conrad had 2 children: Joseph Brian b. 19July 1976. Julie Ann b. 6Jan 1978.


Shirley Dawn b. 20 Feb 1951, daughter of Bert Thomson and Shirley Thomas, In. 2 Jan 1970 Edward Webster Ted MacFadyen, b. 29 July 1950, son of Wendell MacFadyen and Grace Webster, Augustine Cove.

Dawn and Ted live in Augustine Cove where they farmed until 1991. Dawn, who has BSc and BEd degrees, teaches school, and Ted is studying rural and urban planning at Holland College.