Thomas Alexander. Merritt and his wife, Lavenia Craig moved to Summerside, selling the house to Parker and Minnie Delaney. Follow- ing Parker’s death, the house was vacant for several years before being purchased by Art and Phyllis in 1972. They rented the house for several years, first to Mark and Kathie Warburton, then Fred and Flo Fall. Phyllis and Art had no children and attend the North Tryon Presbyte— rian Church.
Joyce Marion b. 21 Sept 1929, daughter of Russell Thomson and Minnie Dawson, m. 18 Sept 1948 Walter Warren Campbell, b. 25 Oct 1923, son of Albert Campbell and Mattie Warren, Freetown.
Joyce and Walter lived and farmed in Freetown. They live in Kensington in 1992 where Walter worked for several years as a potato inspector after he stopped farming.
Joyce Thomson and Walter Campbell had 5 children:
Barry Walter b. 29Jan 1951.
Garth Albert b. 4July 1954.
Chloe Joyce b. 20 Apr 1957, d. 7 May 1962, bur. Freetown Cem.. Gordon Russell b. 6 March 1961.
Marsha Lynn b. 1 Apr 1964.
Charles Everett Charlie b. 31 May 1931, d. cancer, 1 Nov 1990, bur. North Tryon Presbyterian Cem., son of Russell Thomson and Minnie Dawson, m. 16 Feb 1955 Louise Joan Dawson, b. Albany, 6Jan 1935, daughter of Murdock Dawson and Grace Francis. See Dawson history.
Charles and Louise bought the Herb Thomas house and farm in 1958 from Janie Boulter, step-daughter of Herb. Charlie and Louise farmed with Charlie’s brother, Raymond, until Charlie had to retire due to ill health. Both Charlie and Louise took an active part in curling, and represented the province at several national championships. Louise is an excellent quilter and was a member of the North Tryon Women’s Institute.
Charlie Thomson and Louise Dawson had 3 children:
Douglas Charles b. 4 July 1955. Doug works for Syncrude Oil in Alberta.
+Karen Louise b. 17 Aug 1956.
Kimberley Mary b. 28 June 1961, is an office employee with Inter- national Pipe Line, Edmonton, Alberta.
Karen Louise b. 17 Aug 1956, daughter of Charlie Thomson and Louise Dawson, m. 16 Sept 1978 Christopher Paul Gaudet, b. 28 Oct