Calvin Thomson and Irene Emberley had 3 children: Donald Earl b. 6 Oct 1958, not married.

Robin Douglas b 18 March 1961, m. Debra Quinn. Sandra Darlene b. 26 Oct 1962, not married.


DavidJohn b. St. Georges East, London, 8 Feb 1790, d. 18 Dec 1863, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem., m. 20 Apr 1818 Ann Patterson, b. Middleton, Cork, Ireland, 17 Nov 1796, d. 26 Nov 1865, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem..

David John was a military man, serving as a sergeant in the First Battalion, Royal Regiment of Artillery and as an instructor in Military School. He and his family had made numerous crossings to Canada before arriving to settle in North Tryon in 1839. A receipt dated April 27, 1839 states: Received from David john Thomson, The Sum of Fifteen Pounds, Eighteen Shillings Sterling being the Consideration for a Passage in the Brig Ariel, Captain McPhie, for himself his wife, and four children, from this port to Mirimichi, he himself finding his provisions. john Fey

DavidJohn leased land fronting on the Bedeque Road from Samuel Holland. John and Catherine MacWilliams had lived here previously. There was a log cabin on the property and this was where the family lived. The Thomson farm was called Campsie, after their Scottish home.

David John built a one and one half storey house on the property. The house had a large open fireplace in the kitchen for cooking meals. The brass fender and one piece of the fire side set, a poker, are still in the family. The iron cooking pot was also a family keepsake until it was taken from the Thomson lawn in the 19703.

David, son of David John, along with farming, taught school in Westmoreland from 1845-1849. He had received his District School- masters Certificate in 1841 and was among the first on the Island to obtain his license. His School Register for Westmoreland School for the years 1845-1848 is still in the family. He made notations about the weather, community happenings, and farming practices, in addition to student attendance.

David John Thomson and Ann Patterson had 10 children:

John b. Island Bridge, Dublin, lJune 1819, (1. Quebec, 20 March 1821.

James b. Quebec, 14 May 1821, (1. Kingston, 24 May 1826.

Ann b. Quebec, 3 Nov 1822, (1. Island Bridge, Dublin, 25 Dec 1829.

William b. Kingston, 6 Aug 1824, d. Bloomfield, PEI, 16 Feb 1892, m. 6 Aug 1851, at Bedeque Presbyterian Church, his cousin Elizabeth Thomson.

+David b. Kingston, Canada West, 4July 1826.

Richard b. Island Bridge, Dublin, 6 Feb 1829, d. Dublin, March 1830.

James II b. Sterling, Scotland, 26 Nov 1830, d. Tryon 16July 1848.