David John and Jennie Thomson house; Jennie and Muriel standing by the fence. Ethel Thomson Collection.

Muriel Jean b. 28 May 1898, d. 21 Aug 1920, bur. North Tryon Presbyterian Cem.. +James Archibald Archie b.10 July 1903.

Erle b. 22 Sept 1894, d. 24 Dec 1948, bur. Fredericton Floral Hills Cem., son of David John Thomson and Jennie Sarah Thomson, m. at Tryon Baptist Manse, 24 June 1931 Beulah Mae Robinson, b. 26 Oct 1910, daughter ofJohn Robinson and Florence Mae Cann. See Robin- son history.

Erle enlisted in the army and fought in the Great War. He was wounded in action at Vimy Ridge, France, and hospitalized in England with a shattered shoulder. Erle became a Potato Inspector after the war

and worked and lived in Carleton Siding until his retirement. Erle and Beulah had no children.


James Archibald Archie b. 10July 1903, d. 15 Dec 1977, bur. Tryon Peoples Cem, son of DavidJohn Thomson andJennie Sarah Thomson, m. 20 June 1935 Ethel Marguerite Leard, b. 7 May 1915, daughter of Fred Leard and Ellen Fell. See Leard history.

Archie attended public school in North Tryon and went on to attend Vocational School in Charlottetown where he was valadictorian of his class. He also took correspondence courses in English and Mathmatics from Mount Allison University and business from Toronto. Archie