Thanks for help with this project go to the following
friends: Ernest Inman for a school register dated 1896,
a school picture of around 1910, a farm record book of his father‘s as well as many anecdotes of the early years.
Hector MacNem’n for a scrapbook that was a mine of information, also for his many interesting comments about the organizations and the people.
Betty MacPhee for her research on the school.
Barbara Tuck McAndrew for information on the Harris Lobster Cannery.
Florence Livingstone for the MacKenzie family details.
Louis Darrach for his reminiscences of the people especially those involved in the lobster fishery, and to any others not named who helped in any way.
i am particulary indebted to my son, Billy who provided me with his computer as well as giving me encouragement, to my daughter, Rosemary, for her painstaking instruction in the use of said computer, and also for help in editing and generally keeping me on track, and finally to Sharen Mac Pherson, for her
help in desktop publishing.
It is hoped that this history will give you some idea of our first settlers, and how the community evolved. if your roots are here you can be proud of your
community and your heritage.