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Keir Presbyterian Centre

till on shore related activities we will look at the camps.

Canoe Cove has been a prime site for camps for over 60 years. In the nineteen twenties the Canadian Girls in Training had their camps in a field at the shore belonging to Duncan MacCannell, and for many years the Young Men’s Christian Association held their camps on the same site. '

The first permanent camp was built by the Church of Christ in the mid nineteen fifties, on land that long ago belong to Archie Campbell. This camp is very well attended and is a great asset to the church.

The Presbyterians had their camp, Camp Keir, in the French River area for many years. As the number of campers and their activities grew more space and a more convenient site was needed. In 1986 an all-year-round facility was built on land that had one time belonged to “Red” Dougald MacDougall. This is an ideal place for community activities as well as church related functions as it has a large open area and excellent kitchen facilities. Much credit is given to Rev. John Cameron of the Kirk of St. James and Rev. Gordon Matheson of - Zion Presbyterian Church, both in Charlottetown for getting this project completed. Hugh Lowry, a retired minister of Zion Presbyterian Church, and Mrs. Lowry are remembered with gratitude and affection for their dedicated Service with church camps down through the years. The camp is capably

' cared for by David and Wanda MacFadyen. Florence

MacCannell has been the camp nurse for several years.