CHARLOTTETOWN DIRECTORY Established 1869. Established 106 v- TOBACCO. While thanking the public for the Liberal Patronage extended to us during the past ten years, we beg to call their attention to our improved facilities for supplying their demands :— *, V. ■s —-' o c h £ a a c -z s. o ^ 2 3 o J ? _ o C. 5» u* o< „ « o • — r-> o ^ o o "' *" p •> * ■? w — £ £ c g c, S-c ■2 c s, (j r* -C ~ u ' J — t- — C i = '" £ 5° * 2 => B ' r» = o o «• s £ g, t 2- J 3 JS .« S * ^ C r! u '% lliiving trciitly i 111 j no vol un.l iii<-rr:iM-d our uiHt'lilticry, wo urc in n lictlcr position 11 tn 11 pvit In furnish llu- l rail c with nit nrlii'li' of lotmivo superior In Hiiyt.hiiig licrHoforu nifiTiil. IIICKKV « V STHWAKT . I'ACTOIIY & SAI.KHOO.M, No. 1 IJI'KKN STUKKT. ill TOWN. P. K. ISLAND DIRECTOYY. TBt&AGI P. £. ISLAND. Permanent and Transient Boarders accommodated at reasonable Prices. SAMPLE ETOM. First-class Brands of Cigars, AH,WAYS @ M MANE *. OWIH W1KT1ES, Proprietor. MICHAEL McOUAID, Boot I Shoemaker 26 QUSEN STEEET, CHARLOTTETOWN , - - P. E. ISLAND . Ladies' and Cents' Boots, SHOES, SLIPPEFS. &c, Constantly on hand, and made to order at shortcut notice and on the most reasonable terms. FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED.