but they seemed to have something extra. They were the first pack— er at. the Point which had independent boats, even though it took Earl a couple of years to speak to these boats who broke aWay. The), sold market lobsters at the South of the Point. "’We'd never go . near the shore on account of Earl being so mad but he got over it anyway, we were fishing for him then". 20 They introduced the fisherman's bonus to Eastern Kings. 21 They packed at North Lake
after prices for fishermen went up and so Hatthew and MacLean's
wanted to pull out. The fishermen and factory crew recognized
that the Johnstons were hard workers. "Earl, I‘ think fished the first years. He had, a boat himself. Janet managed the factory".25 Earl knew the problems the fishermen faced although he could be "hard—nosed"at times. Janet was head packer in the factory» She took charge of keeping the factory running smoothly, maintaining a good quality of pack, weighing the lobsters and the bookkeeping
as well. 24 She was an extraordinary woman and a hard worker.
The following are quotes from the people I interviewed dealing with this subject.
_ From a Neighbor: ‘ But Johnston,lcompared to themCMacIntyres), was quite liberal. I remember visiting them on some business connected to the school tax after they arrived here. They were horrified with the cond— ‘itions in the cookhouse and sleeping quarters. They threw out the old mattresses into the swamp and got everything new there. They were horrified! (They were) two very fine people. You couldn‘t want for better neighbors than Johnston's. I used to do little turns for them. I used to do fifty times as much for MacIntyre's and they wouldn't give me a cigarette. Different then the Johnston's. I used to do a lot of work for them with good equipment, a well—equipped workshop you know.