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There were also several satirical poems written about the factory crew at East Point. There was one written at the time Angus Beaton was working at the East Point factory. There was only‘ r one verse which was remembered. (Alphonsus MacDonald was Ronnie .

Johnny ' s Uncle) .

Alphonsus MacDonald. I almost forgot him.

He is an expert at taking the meat from the tails.

He slumbers he tells me or oft times disturbed » 69 for (so and so) feets smell and won't cut his nails. The bunks in the cookhouse were all in a line

along the wall. You'd be sleeping on a bunk

and the fellow next to you's feet would be

right at your head. I can't remember the

name of the fella who was in the next bed

but apparently Phonsie was complaining of his feet scratching his head.


Another poem was written much later at North Lake by "Annie Earl" HacLaren (Mellick) of Elmira. She had"a poem about each one and what they did". This poem was written after lobster season while Helen and Gertie were taking it easy after a busy season. Gertie who walked "tall and straight" always want to the factory after din- her and helped them pack. Helen would, always would go to the plant looking for a fresh fish for dinner.71 The two lines follow;

. G is for Gertrude who walks like a Queen

at one she is seen _

H is for Helen with her knife in her dish. 72‘

She always comes out to the wharf for a fish-

There is one story which I believe bears repeating even. though it deals with a period a little earlier than the dohnston's. It describes an impromptu: celebration on the sea among'the fisher~

men who fished company gear.

Old Dan McMillan and I got a few kegs of rum. There was a social in the East Point School and