r / 18 George Haclntyre , I don't know whether >e really wanted the money or what, but he °0^ «,£*+!£ or seventy-five dollars off me. Had a \^™± and Joe and I were having it preW txghfc. _ x rook some rum up to the socxal and 1 gave ooe »«» rum and so?HimPpretty well set up Wew^t Wishing the next day and.«'*•&:^e^nSS. 1 don't . Se line and Joe came over and came back^ittia gallon oar. W%st^e*^ixSKot tied on. loSSne then he comes, Jack ^^e, sxx gt^xed on. let the line-go, .a wnole Ixne »gj*f g£ ur, daI1cin ^nf> ria-7 iJxe six boats, tne young xwxj.