What faith in God those early settlers had! They were unaware of the dangers that lurked in this new land, nor what was ahead of them day by day, but they were honest God fearing hard working people with an abundance of steafast faith in their hearts that if they did their best, and “to love God with all their heart and their neighbor as thyself,” He would supply all their needs.

Frank Herring’s son, William, (or Billy F.) as he was called, mar- ried Louise Dawe and settled on the Dawe homestead at Beach Point. Their family consisted of James, who married Mary Gordon of Abney, and who, later in life, moved to Murray Harbour. Lillian and Fred set- tled in Boston. Laurie and Mary died young. Luther married Bessie Mac- Donald, of Pictou Island, and settled in Murray Harbour. Whitten mar- ried Viola Buell and also lived in Murray Harbour. Sadie married John Gordon, and settled at Beach Point. They had one son Laurie. They bought Herring’s Island and farmed it, and had large herds of cattle. At one time a man named Walter Fraser, (a lobster packer from Peter’s Road) built a lobster cannery there, and employed a number of people. Mrs. Gor- don cooked for the helpers. The Gordons owned Frank Herring’s house, later moving it over to Beach Point district near Mrs. Gordon’s father’s home, but after Laurie was married and had a family, they moved the house up to the village of Murray Harbour. Montfort married Mary Bell MacIntosh and lived at Beach Point later moving to Murray Harbour.

Among other settlers here in the early days, was a Silas Senca- baugh of Guernsey Cove with his wife, who was Eliza Beck of White Sands. They had a family of five girls and one son. After Mr. Sencabaugh and the son died, his wife sold the home to her daughter Elsie and her husband, Wallace MacKay of Guernsey Cove. They bought a very com- fortable home that Willard Jordon had built on a section of his father’s farm. After Mrs. Sencabaugh died, Wallace’s son Silas, moved the house up on a lot next to his Father’s home. Since Mrs. MacKay has passed away Wallace (now deceased) lived with his son Gordon and family who lived in the old home. His wife was the former Ruth Beck. Silas married Bertha Chapman of Murray Harbour. Their son Milton, married Joan Sharam and built a nice new home on the land once owned by Willard Jordan. Gordon’s son Wallace, married John MacNeill’s daughter Sandra, and built a house near Milton.

A man named Mr. MacNeil came here from Cape Breton in the early days. He worked at the “Beach” and met and married Mary Mac- Lean of Peter’s Road. They returned to Cape Breton, where their two children Laughlin and Sarah were born. Mr. MacNeil was drowned at sea, and his young widow and two children returned to Beach Point. When the children grew up, Sarah married John MacDonald, and went to live in Glen William. Laughlin married Eliza Penny and settled here in Beach Point. They had seven sons and two daughters, the eldest daugh-