EARLY BRITISH MIGRATION TO PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Port of Year Shin Captain Qggarture Entgx 1769 - Stewart —— Malpeque 1770 Annabella " -— " 1770 Falmouth -— -— Covehead 1772 Alexander -— —— Scotchfort Glenaladale settlers 1774 Snow Elizabeth - am New London Benj. Chappel & others (Elizabethtown) 1803 Polly -— —- Belfast " Dykes —- - " Selkirk Settlers " Oughten —- - " " Commerce Galt Glasgow Pictou & 22 settlers(Gordons,MacLarens, Georgetown and Stewarts)

1805 - - Guernsey Io Guernsey Cove, 8 families from the I P.E.I. Channel Islands

Rambler - —- Charlottetown MEGDonalds, etc. a 1808 Clarendon - - West River Shaws, etc“$$"fli§§1€?‘§TJTfiQ§L{E 1817 Valiant Izzard Hull Charlottetown 196 Settlers ”" '“°‘”L‘ l

w W " —- Churchill 1819 - - Yorkshire Hampton 5 Inman Brothers included 1821 Peggy we - Lower Montague,MbLures & Camerons included 1829 Hannah Culleeton Hfld. —- l6 Settlers

" Nancy -1 Liverpool - 55 Settlers

" Vestal —- Tobermary —— 301 Settlers 1830 Corsair ' - Greenock - 206 Settlers

" Rosa n— Quebec. —- 50 Settlers

" Minerva -- Yarmouth —— 80 Settlers