RESOURCES—(continued) PAGE 
     Commercial and Industrial . . . . . . 88 
     Foreign Exports; Imports . . . . . 88 

     The Island's Financial Institutions 89 
     Merchants and Manufactures . . . 89 
     Transportation Facilities . . . . . 90 
     The Railway; Water Routes . . . 90 

     The \Ninter Ferries . . . . . . 91 

     At The Capes . . . . . . . 93 
     Highways . . . . . . 94 
     Telegraphs- , Telephones, 8m. . . . . 95 
     Transfers of Land Titles . . . . . 98 
     ibisturical anti étatistital gppmbix 
     Governors . . . 1 . . . . . 99 
     Attorneys General . . 1 . . . . 100 
     Chief justices . . . . . . . . 101 
     Presidents Legislative Council . . . I . . 101 
     Speakers House of Assembly and Legislative Assembly . 101, 102 
     Provincial Premiers . . . . . . 102 
     General Assemblies Since 1873 . . . . , 103 
     Provincial General Elections Held Since Confederation . 103 
     Revenues and Expenditures from 1868 to 1905 . 104 
     Names of Original Grantees of the Lots of Prince Edward Island 104 
     Important Eients 1n the History of Prince Ednard Island . 106 
     American Consuls Since the Consulate \Vas Established in 1858 109 
     Manufacturing Industries . . . . . 110, 111 
     Registered Sea-Going Tonnage . . . . . 112 
     British, Canadian and Foreign Tonnage . . . . 113 
     Tonnage Statistics. Fisheries . . . . . 114 
     Charlottetown Market Prices . . . 1 . . 115 
     Meteorological Tables . . . . . . 1 16. 117 
     Fish and Game Laws . . . . . . . 1 18 
     Addenda 1 . . . . . 1 . 121 
     Table of Distances from Charlottetown . . . . 122 
     List of Hotels . . . . . . . 123 
     List of Boarding Houses . . . . ‘ . . 124