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the hands of the British in 1763, while not the scene of any actual conflict, it was continually changing hands. All through the years were occurring the fierce wars between the Gaul and the Anglo-Saxon for the possession of New France. The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 closed one of these struggles, and Prince Edward Island was ceded to Britain. In 1745 the two powers were again at war, Louisburg was captured by the British, and the Island of Saint John was seized by the New England forces. The great fortress was restored to the French in 1748 by the Treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle, but in 1758 it once more fell into the hands of the British under the leader-- ship of the gallant Wolfe; and a body of soldiers underCaptain Lord Rollo took possession of Prince Edward Island in the- name of the King of Great Britain. Then f0110wed the fall of Quebec, and by the Treaty of Paris in 1763, Cape Breton, the Island of Saint John and Acadia were ceded to Britain, the two islands named being placed under the Government of Nova Scotia. But the Acadians maintained a determined hostility, and assisted the Indians in committing many depre— dations in Nova Scotia. Strong means were used to enforce their submission; and some were deported to Canada and the southern colonies, while others returned to France rather than swear allegiance to England.

The Island was erected into a separate government in 1769, but the first governor, Walter Patterson, did not arrive until the autumn of 1770. A council was then sworn in, and the ordinances of the Governor-in-Council had the force of law until 1773, when the first house of representatives was elected by the people. A session was held the same year, and the ordinances of the Governor and his Council were confirmed by the Assembly. A second election was held in 1774. The membersieighteen in number (the names are not available)—were returned for the whole Island and not for any particular districts. Sessions of this Assembly were held in 1774 and 1776, when various laws were passed. The
