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ated in 1855. It is situated on gently rising ground at the confluence of the York, Elliot and Hillsborough Rivers, and possesses one of the finest harbours in the world. It is the principal shipping port of the “Garden Province” and has a thriving trade. This city is the eastern terminus of the Plant steamship line; is a port of call for the boats of the Quebec Steamship Company plying between Montreal and Gulf of Saint Lawrence ports, and several other lines; and is the headquarters of the Charlottetown Steam Navigation Com- pany, whose boats have ploughed the waters of the Straits for over forty years. One of the healthiest towns in Canada, it is yearly becoming more desirable as a place of residence. It rejoices in excellent water, pumped from an artesian well to a reservoir, and brought thence by gravitation into the city#has a modern system of sewerage, telephone and electric lights; and needs but an electric railway to be nearly up to date. Charlottetown is very regularly laid out, its streets are wide and many of them shaded, and its four public squares are well kept. Queen Square, in the centre of the town, is one of the prettiest open spaces in the Dominion. In summer it is a very attractive spot, with beautifully arranged flower beds, fountain, monuments, historic guns, and a band stand. Many improvements have been made in Charlottetown in recent years, and it is gradually assuming the appearance of a modern city. The wooden buildings that served as business establishments a generation ago have given place to brick and stone structures, and similar progress is to be seen in the residential districts. The city’s surroundings are beautiful, and the suburbs are charming with gardens, groves and hedges of evergreen, with shaded roads and fertile fields. One of the most beautiful spots, and probably the place of greatest historic interest on the Island, is Warren Farm, at Rocky Point, nearly opposite the city and within a few minutes’ trip by ferry. This was originally Port la Joie, the former capital, and the residence of several distinguished people under the French régime. First settled by the French in