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Prince fidward Island as a Summer Resort
“This land has a spell to enchant me."
“\Vhere'er you walk, cool gales shall fan the glade; Trees where you sit shall crowd into a shade; VVhere'er you tread the blushing flowers shall rise, And all things flourish where you turn your eyes."—Pape.
N THE ISLAND’S early days, when the red man trailed through forest primeval, and shot up silver creek in birch canoe, he styled his home *Floating Beauty.
His was an appropriate name; and down to the present time civilized man, charmed with the loveliness of the land, and expressing his delight in simile and metaphor, has given to us nothing more euphonious or suitable.
A few years ago, the Island was comparatively unknown to that large class of tourists desiring a quiet resting-place. Many, indeed, dreamed of a beautiful land in the midst of the cool sea—a land of sunshine and flowersgbut few found their way hither. In later times, however, the fame of the Island has been increasing, and weary tourists are realizing that this quiet pr'ovince, as a summer haunt, has attractions possessed by no other region. Its mellowed beauty, mar- vellous fertility, perfect climate, and hospitable people, all combine to make it an ideal resort.
”The Indian name for Prince Edward Island is Abegweit, meaning ” Home on the Wave.”